Thursday, April 21, 2016

Boyfriend v. Husband?

Saturday and Sunday were so pretty here in Michigan, with warm temperatures and lots of sunshine.  The Hubby and I were outside at 9 am, raking and picking up the yard.  Then, The Hubby went inside to watch NBA playoffs, while I washed and refilled the litter boxes using a bucket and hose.

And no matter what I was doing, Patty O'Malley was at my side.  He followed me from the front yard to the back, sat under the car while I raked out the gardens, rolled on his back when I stopped for a break and a drink of water.  Let's face it, folks...Patty is my boyfriend!  As I sat on the front porch later in the afternoon, and Patty lay in the driveway, waiting for me to come back around to be with him.  He gave plaintive little mews, calling me to him.  The Hubby heard and saw, and there is nothing he can do about this. Yep, Patty and I have a thing going!

P.S. When I first trapped the tabby cat that showed up in our yard in the Winter of 2012, is was a unusually warm day in March.  At All About Animals Rescue that morning, I wrote the cat's name on the paperwork as "Patrick O'Malley".  Some folks think I should really be calling him 'Paddy' and not 'Patty'...but he's a Patrick, not a 'Padraig', like some Irish folks.  Yes, yes...I know that "Patty" seems a bit girly, but it's been years now and it's what he responds to!  


  1. Patty is such a sweet, handsome kitty! And you two have a special bonding - yep, there is nothing husband can do about it :-)

  2. Yeah, hubby is just gonna have to live with this. Patty is such a sweetheart - and we all know there is nothing girly about him.

  3. just making sure all your work is up to code :)

  4. That is the best kind of boyfriend- I am sure your hubby would agree :)

  5. There's nothing better than a handsome, loyal, and affectionate boyfriend!

  6. He's lovely!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  7. He's lovely!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie


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