Monday, February 26, 2018

On The QT: Found Feral Colony

Last Friday, I left the office early, which meant I was actually driving in daylight!  As I navigated my usual route, I noticed stuff in the brush, in the middle of an industrial area.  Garbage?  Homeless folks?  Nope, it's a feral cat colony!  Those boxes are shelters, and I've been driving past for over four years without noticing.  When the leaves are out, no one can see this, unless specifically looking.  The average person has NO IDEA, and that's exactly what feral cat colony caretakers want: invisibility. 

I hope to witness the caretakers there someday, and offer financial or food donations.  After all, I have my own feral cat colony, which is hidden in plain sight on our back deck.  We painted The Cat Hotel and Mama's House in the same grey paint that our house is painted with; blending in is the key.

Gotta say, this colony is blended in very well.  Anyone who cares for the community cats away from their home gets a big HURRAH from me!


  1. God bless those wonderful people and you for taking care of the feral cats in your area.
    Hugs madi and mom

  2. We love humans who take care of wild homeless kitties. Everyone, human or animal, deserves the basics of food, water and shelter.

  3. Goodness! We LOVE LOVE LOVE this post! We hope you will meet the caregivers some day!

  4. How exciting! Most people would never even know what this is. We hope you get to meet the caregivers too and maybe lend a hand.

  5. Those are really good people . Unfortunately the invisibility cloak is essential.

  6. You know I just found out that there is also a feral cat colony only a few blocks away! Amazing -- though i think it's a good thing I didn't know or i might have way too many kitties!

  7. I sure am happy someone is looking out for those sweeties.

  8. That's fabulous! Everyone who cares for the ferals gets 4 paws up from us :)

  9. I am glad they are being cared for.

  10. It's a little sad feral caregivers have to be so secretive, but they did a good job

  11. What a nice little find. We bet the cats like it too!

  12. Only a fellow caretaker would notice that! I hope you get to meet the folks helping out those kitties.

  13. guyz...984 paws up frum uz two...we hope they ree mane see clooded N knot bothered.....ewe catz stay safe bee safe N noe that peepulz DUE care ~~~~~~ ♥♥

  14. That is pretty amazing. Kudos to those folk(s).

  15. Paws up ! We're glad those people and you take such good care of these ferals. Purrs

  16. That's pawsum. We hope you can find out who be takin' such good care of the kitties. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....