Friday, January 24, 2020

She's Gone

July 18, 2004-January 24, 2020

Rest In Peace

She earned her heavenly wings this afternoon.

Angel, as she looked today
We tried all of the medications that the veterinarian suggested, but Angel never regained her appetite.

Her thin body wasn't trying anymore; we chose to release her spirit.

We are devastated.



  1. I'm so very sorry. Big healing hugs, my friend. ♥

  2. I am so so sorry. I know how much you loved her.

  3. We are so very sorry to hear this news. Our hearts are breaking for you. Sending love, hugs, and purrs

  4. Oh no!
    We are so sorry to hear this. Dear sweet Angel we will miss you.
    We understand the pain of losing a beloved cat.
    Angel was a sweetie and she had a goodlife with you.
    We send comforting purrs and lots of love and hugs.
    Purrs,Georgia and Julie
    and "mum" Nancy

  5. We’re so very sorry. Sending you many comforting purrs.

  6. I'm so incredibly sorry. She was a precious little angel right up until the end.

  7. I so, so sorry, Vicky. I’m sending lots of hugs and purrs. RIP, sweet Angel. ❤️❤️❤️

  8. I am so sorry. I know it hurts, but you gave her a happy long life, and made her end as comfortable as possible. She knows she was loved.

  9. Oh dear, we are so sad to hear about dear Angel, so very sad. It's never, ever easy and it hurts so much. We all send purrs, hugs and all our love to you. We understand.

  10. Oh no! Oh so so sad to hear. I'm sure Angel held on as long as she could and I'm sure she knew that you loved her very very much. Many hugs for you as you and your family try to adjust to a household without her.

  11. I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm sure you made the right decision at the right time.

  12. This is terrible news. I know the dreadful decision you had to make. There are few worse. Angel is fit and whole now, but the hole she has left behind... Godspeed, Angel.

  13. We know beautiful Angel is with Chucky again, but we are so sad. Purrs to you all as you heal.

  14. I am so sorry for your loss. Sweet, beautiful Angel will be missed by all her online fans. Run free and roll in fields of nip over the Rainbow Bridge sweet Angel. Hugs.

  15. I'm here to pay my respects to Angel. *bows head* sending you comforting purrz as you mourn your loss.

  16. I'm so sorry about Angel. You do what you can - you do everything you can, and then some. But you knew when she wanted to go. Purrs to you.

  17. If I was a cat I would pick you as my mom. I know she had the best life a cat could ever wish for. She was beautiful, I’m so sorry for the pain and loss. Big hugs to you.

  18. Oh noes. I am so sorry. I wish you could have had more precious time with her. You sweet Angel is now free, and is truly grateful you were her Moms.
    Ruby ♥

  19. So very sorry to read this. You made the hardest decision ever but know it was the kindest. Angel was blessed by having you as her human.
    We will look for her in the skies over Finland (N) and have a candle for her on the Catio. Fly free Angel. With much love, Karin, Viscount Veikko and the felocrats.

  20. I am so sorry. I can't even imagine how devastated you are. When you're ready, I'd love to hear Angel stories. I feel like I know your outdoor cats better than her and I want to know more! I also want to give you a huge hug ... add that to my tab! ;)

  21. We were so sorry to read this. Each loss breaks our hearts. She is probably strutting about at the Bridge, pointing out that she has been an Angel since the start.

  22. Oh dear, we are so sad to read this about sweet Angel. We're sending warm hugs and lots of purrs for you.

  23. I am so sorry. Angel was a beautiful kitty. I am sure Chucky was there to welcome his sister. XO

  24. we are so sorree dat Angel iz now an angel, maybe dis makez her a super angel. sending big P'OM size hugz

  25. I am so very very sorry for your loss.

  26. Dearest sweet Angel...I really and truly know exactly of the struggle you and your loving peeps Madi went down the same road. I am so very sorry for the loss I know is felt in the hearts of your family. My comfort came in know Madi was once again the frisky funny feline when she was no longer here struggling. She HATED taking the medicines...
    Hugs cecilia

  27. We are so sorry to read this ! She and Chuck are now watching over you all together again. Purrs.

  28. I'm so terribly sorry. I understand only too well the decision you had to make, as most of us do. You did the very best for her, out of love and mercy. My thoughts and prayers to you; godspeed to Angel.

    Kim and Derry (with angels Nicki, Annie and Chumley)

  29. Oh no...I’m so sorry for the loss of your precious Angel. The decision you had to make was too difficult but you did because it was best for her. I’m grateful she had a happy full life being loved and cherished. Sending warm hugs to you.

  30. I am deeply sorry that Angel had to go on to the Bridge a\head of us. Beautiful precious and very loved girl. She knew total love and happiness with her Mom and Dad right there and knew it to the last second. I'm so sorry.

  31. We are so deeply sorry. Hugs and comforting purrs.

  32. Vicky, you have my most heartfelt condolences, prayers, and thoughts. Your sweet Angel knew a life filled with love thanks to you. May she now again run young and healthy with her brother Chucky. Until you all meet again.

  33. Losing a furry family member is always so difficult. You provided Angel with a wonderful, loving home and helped her transition with care and compassion. Purrs for you at this sorrowful time.

  34. So, so sorry. Sending you a warm virtual's hard, and you have my sympathy. xx

  35. You are now undertaking the long journey through grief. While others may share that grief we all walk it alone. There are no right or wrong paths, no proper way to carry oneself on the trek, no set amount of time to complete it. Some steps will come easier than others. There will be rogue waves of grief that you won’t see coming, and knock you back days. But you will come through it. If you get lost let us know. We have been through it before and we might be able to help you find the way out.

  36. I'm sorry for your loss. Sending comforting thoughts.

  37. I'm so sorry to hear about Angel. I know it's hard to lose animal friends.

  38. I'm so sorry. I wish I could give you a hug. You all tried your hardest. Someday you'll smile at all the memories she left where you could find them.

  39. There are no words that will make up for this loss, your Angel though will live strong in your heart and that will be the strength that keeps her close and washes away the sadness of her passing...
    Gentle purrs to you all

  40. Aw, we are so very sorry to hear about your Angel. She was a beautiful girl, and well-loved. No kitty could ask for better Humans.

  41. We just heard. We are so sorry.
    Rest in Peace, Angel.

    Sending purrs and love to you xx

  42. Oh that is so sad. Just know that Angel had a wonderful life while she was with you. Big hugs.

  43. We are so sorry for your loss.
    Fly free, Angel - till the day you and your beloved family are united once more, beyond the Rainbow Bridge.

  44. I am so sorry. She is now literally an Angel.

  45. We're so sorry about the loss of your purrecious Angel😿Soft Pawkisses to comfort you🐾😽💞
    Fly free beautiful Soul👼💗

  46. We are so sorry and send our purrs and prayers of support. Dear Angel fly free and now be healthy and happy at the Bridge.

  47. Oh awnty Vicky, we're so sorry Angel had to leave fur heaven. She was so bootyful and so luvved. She will be missed. Ifin you need anythin', purrlease holler. We're sendin' lots of hugs and purrayers your way.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi, Raena and mommy A

  48. I am so very sorry to read this and no there are no words to make the pain lessen. Just know that your grief is shared with all of us. Sending virtual hugs your way.

  49. We're so sorry it was time for Angel to go to the Bridge. Thank you for loving her so much! - Tom x

  50. We're so sorry for your loss. We send you comforting purrs and gentle headbonks. Purrs and hugs

  51. Your girl's loss is grievous and desperate. I am sorry you lost such a wonderful girl. fly free Angel, * gentle hugs *

  52. It always makes me so sad when I hear about kitties having to become angels.our time with them is just never enough...
    Sending lots of purrs from Pipo, and soft aroos from Dalton & Benji.
    Hugs from petcretary
    ((((( ♥ )))))

  53. Godspeed your journey to the heavens Angel; we are truly sorry and send you, mom, dad and the family you leave behind, lots of hugs and loves. ♥♥♥♥♥♥

    dai$y, tuna, mackerull, dude, sauce and boomer

  54. So very sorry to hear about Angel. She had such a wonderful life thanks to you! Frodo Amarula and Zulu send their love!

  55. This is beyond heartbreaking, I am so sorry I didn't heart is just breaking for you. Angel was such a sweet, precious gir. Sending (((hugs))) and prayers of comfort.

  56. My heart aches for you. ~hugs~ Letting go is hard.

  57. I am so sorry that I have been so disconnected that this is the first I am commenting on this. My heart is just starting to piece itself back together, but it still goes out to you for your loss. Sending purrs.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....