Thursday, December 10, 2020

Deluxe Scratcher

The Hubby created a 7-1/2 foot tall scratcher pole for Da Boyz!

With a carpet tube that a nice carpet store man gave me, and other found materials, he whipped this together.

Chili Bruce likes it!

Da Boyz will climb all of the way up to the top, and I am thankful that The Hubby is handy and thrifty, and of course, for the nice dude who allowed me to take away his detritus.

And, for fun, here are a few cat cartoons and memes that we chuckled over; hope you do too!

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  1. WOW, that scratcher pole sure is impressive, bravo to the hubby! Those funnies were darn good too. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  2. OH MY CATS a 7 1/2' scratching pole...I bet there were lots of prancing feets and happy tails at your house and the stairs too.
    The cartoons made me giggle
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. Wow, what a wonderful use of detritus and found items, your husband is amazing! Enjoy boyz! Those comics are too much fun, thanks.

  4. You hubby rocks. That's a way cool thing for the boys.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥

  5. Oh, that's a fantastic idea. I must go to the carpet store and ask for one of those. I think our kittens are part monkey. They climb everything!

  6. de scratchin post iz AWESUM !!! dad did a grate job ♥♥♥ de car toonz bee grate; thanx for sharin ☺☺

  7. Some really good toons this week. Alien Cat? Of course that answers everything

  8. That scratcher pole looks pretty pawsome looking. This is such a great idea. We want to make one now for the office for when the fur babies come in. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day.
    World of Animals Rittenhouse

  9. That is a wonderful scratcher! The cartoons made me laugh too.

  10. I am impressed. That is a great scratcher.

  11. So wonderful ! THey will love it !! I had to send the mood cartoon to my daughter!

  12. Man those boyz are lucky to be spoiled so! Pls post a video of the climb!!!

  13. That is amazing cat scratcher!
    The cartoons made me smile. Thanks for sharing :)

  14. Ooooo la la! That is a pawsome setup!
    I can see you boys will be having FUN and getting exercise too ;)
    Mum laughed at the cartoons. They were good, but there is no alien inside me!!!(mum is not convinced) :/
    Purrs, Julie

  15. That is a great idea. I like that it it next to the steps.

  16. Wow, how clever is that?!?! Da Boyz sure are lucky!

  17. Wow, what a magnificent scratcher! Huge and fun, I love it! Your husband is very talented and Da Boyz are so lucky :-)

  18. Wow wee! That is one cool scratching post!

  19. That scratching pole is amazing! And the cartoons made me giggle. Be well!

  20. That is a loving gift your hubby made and it looks perfect! The cats will love that for a long long time. Love the cartoons too.

  21. Wow, that is one fantastic pole - and stairs to reach every part of it.


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