Saturday, January 30, 2021

Caturday Puzzles

I adore my Prisma app!
Spend too much time fooling around with photos; changing colors, adding effects, but it's harmless, no?

Click on each image below to find a jigsaw puzzle!

 Let's Hop!
Click on the badge above to visit Athena Cat Goddess Blog!

Friday, January 29, 2021

It's All Just A Blur

Just a sampling of the myriad of our blurry cat photos!

Sweetie's chin
Pawparazzi error!

 Let's Hop!

Click on the badge above to visit Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries & Meows Blog and to join the hop!

Thursday, January 28, 2021


All images swiped from the interwebs; many with no attribution.  I include them because they are funny! 
Life is too short not to giggle!

As bad as social media can get sometimes, the amount of silliness that I come across is far more impawtant!

Laugh, giggle, be childlike!  

After all, adulting is mostly for the birds, amIright? 

Let's Hop!

Click on the badge above to visit Brian's Home Blog!

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Winter Sun

It's Sweetnesday!

I adore gazing at Sweetie, as she enjoys a bit of Winter sunshine.
Sweetie: "Lady, I'm trying to chillax' here, mind moving off with your camera?"
You can see that she doesn't have many teeth!
If you look closely, you get a sense of how interesting Sweetie's fur is!
Click on Sweetie's close up above, to find a jigsaw puzzle.


Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Keeping Warm


Manny and Chili Bruce know how to conserve body heat, by curling up with a brofur!

They are Squeezalicious!

Click on the artified image above for a jigsaw puzzle.

Monday, January 25, 2021

Sunrise PO'M


Sunrise silly cat!

But oh! What a handsome roly-poly...💖
Click on the image above for a jigsaw puzzle.

Thank you for your kind words about our Celestial Angel from yesterday's post!

Sunday, January 24, 2021

One Year Ago

January 24, 2020 Post: She's Gone 

We miss our black-and-white-and-pink baby girl; miss her bunny rabbit soft fur, her growls at loud trucks on the street out front, and her goofy purrsonality.

I have hundreds of Celestial Angel images: I'll share a few...

Click on the image above for a jigsaw puzzle


Saturday, January 23, 2021

On A Crisp Caturday Morning in Winter

Happy Caturday!

Today is the coldest day we've had this year.

The PO'M's water bucket had 2 inches of ice on it, and he had a nice helping of kibble for breakfast.

Hopefully, this afternoon will be 'warm' enough that a dinner of wet food will be purrfect.

Today's images were all artified by Prisma; click on them to play the jigsaw puzzles!
Manny, being cute!
The moon in the trees on New Year's Eve, 2020
Sweetie, all snuggled in
The PO'M

 Let's Hop!

Click on the badge above to visit Athena Cat Goddess Blog!

Friday, January 22, 2021

Answer Your Cat's Question Day

 January 22, is Answer Your Cat's Question Day!

Alright, my loves...let 'er rip!

Da Boyz: "Can we have popcorn?"
Answer: "Just a taste!"
Da Boyz: "Is it cold outside?"
Answer: "Yes, babies, but it's warm inside."
Sweetie: "Are you done taking photos of me?"
Answer: "For now, but I cannot help myself, as you are too cute!"
Paddy O'Malley: "Will you come outside?"
Answer: "Just as soon as I pull my coat and hat on, my love!"
Image snapped through the window that looks out on our balcony, that is wrapped with safety cat-proof netting.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Squirrel Appreciation Day

 Or, should we say, "Skwerl"!

Those rascally varmints, who tease our cats and dogs so!

However, they have their charms, no?

The way they leap, their floofy tails, and they'll beg for food.

Hey...maybe they should be called tree cats instead!

Below are a few images that I've snapped over the years, and I am thankful for the little critters.

On the hood of my car
Enjoying acorns
At the park, hanging out on the railing

Let's Hop!

Click on the badge above to visit Brian's Home Blog!

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

My Sweetie!

Sweetie is happy to use my as her cat bed!
Love the fur in the foreground!
Click on the image above for a jigsaw puzzle.

Today is a hopeful day for Americans!
We look forward to words of inclusion, care, and positivity.
As the history book turns a page, let's move forward to stamp out this pandemic, to reach out to everyone with open hands and open hearts, create ways to employ all, with a robust economy, and arm-in-arm with our allies, make the Earth a better place to live, thrive, and respect each other and the environment.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Chili With The One White Whisker

When we adopted Manny and Chili Bruce, Chili had one white whisker!
We didn't know that if he lost that one, he may not grow it back again.
Spitty, from Spitty Speaks Blog, always regrows his white whiskers, but the two cats have not yet gotten together to pass along the secret.

A few images of CB with that white whisker from years ago...
And an image from yesterday; Da Boyz!
Click on the photo above for a jigsaw puzzle.