Tuesday, June 15, 2021

When it's hot and muggy

It's Twozday!

Da Boyz snuggle, even when it's hot!
Manny, taking it easy, and alone!
Meanwhile, Chili Bruce is on the other side of the giant scratcher, also airing himself out!
And then, back together again on top of the refrigerator.


  1. We're heading into another heatwave starting Thursday through Saturday. I'm going to be airing myself too. Adorable they both are.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your mom. ♥

  2. doodz....just sayin..but whatz IN de fridge iz my tee awesum....chex it out ;) ♥♥☺☺

  3. You boys are super cool no matter what!

  4. Doze guys are TWO cute...haha. Love those kitties and they clearly love each other, hot or not.

  5. I SWEAR, I LOVE THOSE BOYS. Ooops, shouted. Caps lock.

  6. I like the top of the fridge too, although my mom always tells me it's extra-hot there and why am I up there when it's so hot. (Moms!) At least I don't stretch out on the floor at the fridge grill like my dim bro. That blows hot air at him!


  7. They sure do love each other! I can't get over how clean the top of your fridge is! I'd be terrified to take one of mine right now! Even the cats don't want to climb up there!

  8. Im hoping and wishing and hoping and wishing for a very special black kitten....
    Of ALL our cats. Beatles DSH shed s the most. I took the round brush to him and it just came flying off

  9. You are smart. The top of the refrigerator is the best spot.

  10. Yup, even us pups hate the hots...at least it was nice here yesterday and Monday. Supposed to be hot again today, Wednesday.

  11. My Stinkie cat looks very much like Manni! White spot on the stomach and all. It's cold here with us, so he is more inside than during summer months. I love having him inside!

    Elza Reads

  12. They mix up who they are so need a few minutes to get straight who is who.

  13. They are just so cute together. I know I've said it before, but it's still true.

  14. Hot and muggy, no thanks! The boys are as cute as ever.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....