Thursday, January 20, 2022

A Step Into The Future

I began my new job this week.

This Maneki-Neko sits on my desk; it has brought me luck!
A gift from Boss #1 from Japan.

The story:

Boss #1: Hired me in 2011 as executive administrative assistant, then he took another position in the company.

Boss #2: Great boss; he also took another position with another division.

Boss #3: During pandemic, my job title was eliminated, however Boss #4 offered me a position on the sales team.  I took it.

Boss #2, as a Corporate Global President now: "I need you, will you come work for me again?"

To Boss #4: "I must go!"

Being back in the swing of the executive team is delightful, and I've just begun to dip my toe into those waters.

I may drive to the office once a week for awhile, and The Eastside Cats will NOT have me for their human cat bed every single day.

But, keeping them in cat food is most impawtant, no?

Let's hop!

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  1. That's a wonderful thankful. Having a good job to take care of your kitties the way they are meant to be taken care of is a good thing. You made me smile.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the lucky kitties. ♥

  2. Hope it all works out, with all the noms and treats coming their way, your kitties will forgive you...we think!

    Congrats on your new job!

  3. best fishes to you V....hope the new opportunity works out great !!! L ☺☺

  4. Congrats! Good bosses make all the difference!

  5. Wow, what a good development in terms of work, working with the global president. I didn't know we had global presidents...

  6. That sounds pretty exciting for you and a big congrats from all of us! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  7. Congratulations! There is nothing like an environment based on trust and respect. You will flourish.

  8. Congratulations!! I am sure the kitties will forgive you for going to the office. :) XO

  9. Congratulations, but as a pet I feel a little bag for the cats.

    1. They'll get over it, with treats as bribes!

  10. Wonderful news and this will keep your spirit uplifted!

  11. Hope all goes well with the new position!

  12. Congrats on your new job! Clearly you are very valued--it's always nice to feel appreciated! Though not sure the cats will be happy about your once weekly trips into the office!

    1. I probably miss them more than vice versa!
      Thank you!

  13. I hope you enjoy the new position! You're obviously valued.

  14. Blessings to your entire family. You all deserve all the best. ~hugs~ I look forward to updates.

  15. We love that your company values you so! Concats on the new position!


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