Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Kiss A Ginger Day!

January 12 is Kiss A Ginger Day!

For us, this means ginger or marmalade cats, also called red or yellow cats.

Alas, at this time, Eastside Cats has no resident ginger cats, however dear friends have loaned us theirs for today.

Eric, in British Columbia
Mango, in Florida
Rusty, in Florida
Sassy, in Florida
Skittles, in Florida
Rufus, in Detroit
Eddie, in the UK
Hearty applause for our Ginger Gang, all with smoochies on their wee noggins!


  1. That's a lot of kissing. You made me smile and more than once.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. Scritches to your kitties. ♥

  2. AWWW! Look at all the kissable gingers! Cinnamon is our Ginger and she likes to kiss! (Mom was a ginger before she started to go white and she loves to kiss too!). If there are any gingers at you house, we blow them virtual kisses!

  3. Beautiful gingers! Sending lots of kisses their way today.

  4. Hello to each and every new Ginger friend near and far...I love the kisses you gave them, each are very loving and devoted.
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Such wonderful done-been-smooched gingers, so cute!


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....