04 January, 2016

GonaCon™ Contraceptive Study


The Alliance for Contraception in Cats & Dogs is sponsoring a study, which began in November 2015, to evaluate GonaCon™ in female cats.  Read more about the three-year study here

Some day, the ACCD will have a safe vaccine that will render cats sterile, so instead of TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) for feral cats, it may be Trap-give 'em a shot-Release, instead of anesthesia, surgery, etc!  Could revolutionize our cat world, and it may be on the horizon.  

Fascinating news!

For no reason at all, I include
this photo of Angel snacking on popcorn


  1. How pawsome would that be! So much easier and probably a lot cheaper. PS: that is such a cute pic.

  2. That really would be great!

    We really like the pic of the Popcorn Queen, even if there isn't any reason for it! ;-)

  3. I suspect the popporn is salted and buttered?
    Dr. Plotnick just posted an excellent article titled Non-surgical Methods of Feline Sterilization and Contraception. You might enjoy reading it.

  4. That is interesting. I wonder how such sterilization methods would effect other undesired effects, such as urine marking, tom-cat pee, and more territorial fighting. I guess time will tell as science keeps rolling on!

    My Theo goes crazy over popcorn! He would stuff his face in a huge bowl and chow forever. Silly.

  5. It's really interesting. That would be so much easier for both kitties and humans.
    Angel is so cute eating popcorn :-)

  6. That is very interesting, My only worry would be that it isn't permanent and it may be hard to catch a feral more than once.


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