Wednesday, May 16, 2018

I'm Back!!!

Had a great time! Cannot believe we did so much in London and Bath, UK.  I have lots to tell you all about, but I'll break it up into posts about each thing separately.

First off, I never saw a single living cat!  Not on a windowsill, not in a park, nor on a street, sidewalk, or even in someone's purse or walking carriage!  Lots of cats seen in paintings, in museums, and on people's shirts, jackets or tote bags, however.  

So, here is one of my favorite items purchased; this from the British Museum.

This delightful cat head statue is paperweight sized, but it looks purrfect on my home art collection shelf!  Am pretty sure it's design was taken from this beautiful cat idol, which was on display.

More to come, and I promise to start visiting all of your blogs.  Travel is wonderful, but nothing beats one's own bed, own familiar household stuff, and do I need to mention The Hubby and my furry babies? 


  1. I wonder if Brits decided their moggies are safer indoors? Can't wait to hear about your adventures!

  2. Welcome back! We wonder where all the kittehs were?

  3. Welcome home! Can't wait to hear all about your (catless) trip!

  4. Welcome back ! We're looking forward to hearing about your trip ! Purrs

  5. Excellent purchase. Looking forward to your trip blog
    Hugs madi and mom

  6. Whoa! Nice fin! TW has that entire cat statue. It was a gift from Aunt Pauline.

  7. Welcome back! We can't wait to hear about your adventure.

  8. Welcome back! I'm sure you had a Royal time even without seeing any kitties!

  9. Welcome back! We can't wait to hear about your adventure.

    Your new cat piece looks like Bast!

  10. you were gone? (kidding lol).....what a great purchase! Can't wait to hear all about your adventure!

  11. i LOVE it--looks so much like Zulu's face!

  12. That's really cool. I look forward to hearing about your trip.

  13. I can't believe you didn't see a living cat over there. England has always been a bit more canine than feline, but still, where are our representatives?

  14. Glad to see you're back! The British Museum is on my bucket list, and I was thrilled to see your pic of the Rosetta Stone on IG. So jealous! :)

  15. Welcome back. LOVE Your new cat. Love it ! it is always good to come home . Especially to husband and cats. !!!

  16. nice ta see ya bak thiz way guyz !!! N glad mom hada awesum time...we look for werd ta reedin bout all de kewl stuff her did N saw :) ♥♥☺☺

  17. Glad you had a good time. That is a gorgeous cat decoration. It is always nice to get home.

  18. Oh that is a gorgeous statue, we have one similar to yours too. So glad you had such a lovely time here in good old Blighty! MOL

  19. Luv the kitty statue. Glad you're back and had a good time. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena


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