Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Meet Mr. Dillon!

Mr. Dillon is my neighbor's cat.
She was named when they thought she was a he, and the name just stuck!
The other day, Mr. Dillon demanded loving as I traversed the sidewalk.
I bowed to her requirements, happily giving belly rubs, chin scritches, and lots of cooing...
Look at those golden eyes and the dilute tortie fur SQUEEABLE!



  1. Aww I love this!!! Thank you Eastside Cats!!!��

  2. She's a beautiful Mr. indeed. Sometimes names just stick. I would have done all that loving too. It's what we do and what they expect.

    Have a purrfect day, Mr. Dillon. My best to your neighbor. ♥

  3. I know so many people with girl cats with "boy" names! Actually I know a lot of people with girl kids with boy names too - even on little girl named Dylan! Names have no gender any more!
    Mr. Dillion is a beauty!

  4. She is so very pretty and sure was happy to see her tummy rubbing neighbor!

  5. Oh yes, she is lovely!!!!!
    Purrs,Georgia and Julie

  6. Dillon I'd gladly stop to give your a tummy rub too. You are full of purrsonality.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Hello Mr. Dillon, you sure are one beautiful cat. Yup, this namin' business happens a lot. Remember, Nerissa, Desdemona, and Calista were all boys; and Mason and Tobias were girls. MOUSES!

  8. It would be hard to walk away from petting that beautiful floof-ball.

  9. Oh, I do loves me some flooooofy furs!!!!! Who can resist???
    Ruby ♥

  10. OH my gosh...she is built like a luxurious treat for any and all humans passing by.

  11. What a floofy ball of love she is. Keep up the good neighborhood watch and get paid in belly rubs. Fantastic

  12. OMC what a floof! Mr. Dillon is such a gorgeous kitty! How lucky you are to get to give her a belly rub :-)

  13. How could you have resisted that furry belly? What a pretty girl.

  14. Her eyes are amazing indeed!
    She reminds me Gandalf - the cat lady from our sanctuary. She also had a men name :D


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