Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Something's Up

 It's Twozday!

Manny: "Look, they're moving stuff around."

CB: "Yes, as if we didn't notice!"

Manny: "Like we don't know what's happening...we can read their minds, after all!"

CB: "Mom is trying to be calm, but she's a bundle of nerves."

Manny: "They've forgotten that this isn't our first rodeo."

CB: "It has been a few years, but a trip to the veterinarian isn't a big deal."

Manny: "Remember that first dude, and we invaded his exam room?  Knocked over the doggie treats jar, and jumped up on top of the cabinet?"

CB: "Yeah, good times, brofur!"

Manny: "Guess it's time to nap; Dad will reach out and pick each of us up.  At least we'll each get our own PTU!"

CB: "And they are freshly cleaned, snazzed up, and soft mats placed inside."

Manny: "ZZZzzzzz..."

CB: "Good idea, bro!  Zzzzzz...."


  1. Uh oh, don't fall for it guys!

  2. You're such good boyz! At least NOW you are such good boyz - MOL!

  3. I've never had a cat that liked going to the vet and they were always mad at me for a long time after a vet visit.

    Have a fabulous day. My best to your nervous mom. ♥

  4. You boys sure have a pawsititve Vetitude!

  5. doodz....best fishez two ewe both; we hope de vizit two de ewe noe wear place iz short N sweet N ya getz grate ree portz ♥♥♥

  6. Cats always know when something's up. Good luck, humans!

  7. Hey handsome friends...Just had to say Happy Twoday to you two shiny black kitties
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. I 1ove hearing their conversations!

  9. Boys, you are my fave twin black panfurs! And hope to hear more of your thoughts.

  10. Can't wait to hear if they're this calm about it after the event.

  11. I hope everything goes well at the vet. XO

  12. Oh, you two. Are you EVER separated. We have never seen such a darling twosome in our lives. Warms the heart, every photo, and we need that now.

  13. This post made us laugh! We can't wait for the follow-up!

    Tama and Benny

  14. We can't believe you'd have separate troll boxes!

  15. Hmmm, something is up!!! And away if you ask me! Hope the vet keeps all his skin:)

  16. I'd have been a nervous human, too. I'm glad things went relatively well. I don't like the idea of that heart murmur, but you 'beautiful boys' receive excellent loving care. :)


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....