28 August, 2018

Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day - August 28

Used with permission by
The Chronicles of Zee and Zoey
From Deborah Barnes: "I founded Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day in 2015 as a special day for pet guardians to honor the memory of those beloved pets in their life they have loved and lost, but never forgotten – whether fur, fin, feathers, scales or something else. It’s held every year on August 28, in honor of the day I had to say goodbye to my precious Ragdoll cat, Mr. Jazz."

Remembering those who've left us....

Although Manny and Chili Bruce look like you, Chuck...
they aren't you and we miss you.

Had a meow that sounded like, "Arf!"

Never allowed me to pet him, but he spent a lot of time in the yard with me.

He found a furrever home, and was loved and cosseted until he passed.



Brian's Home Blog said...

Hugs from all of us as you remember those sweeties today. Having lost 3 in a short period of time our hearts weren't ready yet.

Sandee said...

They are with us forever aren't they. So precious. Big healing hugs. ♥

My Mind's Eye said...

Dear sweet furries each one left a soft paw print on our hearts and many memories
Hugs madi and Mom

The Whiskeratti said...

Thank you for sharing your memories with us.

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

Sending you hugs as you remember your kitties today.

kathy b said...

Great tributes! Tomorrow is our anniversary of our dear Huck dogs death. We were so very sad for so long afterwards. I find cat pals quickly but dogs are so difficult to find because I am such a dog snob. THey have to be impeccably trained

The Swiss Cats said...

Lovely memories. Purrs

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat said...

Thank you for sharing your angels with us. Most people don't realize that for us, you can't replace one cat with another. Instead there's a permanent hole. I've been given so much in Bear and Ellie ... but I still miss Kitty 12 years later.

The Island Cats said...

Such good memories of your angel kitties.

pilch92 said...

Nice tribute to all your beautiful angels. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

They live in our hearts forever, don't they?

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

loved seeing the photos of those who have come before.

Summer said...

Purrs to you as you remember the kitties from before. <3

Olka said...

To be honest I had no idea that there is specific day to remember our fur friends who has left us forever. I'm usually thinking about our cats, who crossed the rainbow bridge during the All Saints' Day. It's mostly for people, but I think animals also deserve to be mentioned about that day - all in all - they ARE our family and friends <3

Ivan from WMD said...

What a sweet remembrance of those who paused to touch your heart.

Ruby's Rescued Life said...

Thanks for sharing all these lovelies with us! They live on in our hearts.

Three Chatty Cats said...

What a wonderful day to celebrate the ones who have left for the rainbow bridge.

Deziz World said...

Sendin' hugs and purrayers

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena