Monday, August 20, 2018

The PO'M: Tough Guy!

Paddy O'Malley has tangled with some other critter...again.  I found a puncture wound on his lower jaw yesterday.  Don't worry; these photos are not gruesome!

He's been acting a bit 'off', such as preferring to get cuddles and scritches this morning BEFORE eating his breakfast.  Gently rubbing a cotton swab soaked in Vetericyn first-aid spray on him yesterday afternoon, didn't appear to make him recoil in pain.  But his nerves are a bit on edge, and last night he was on patrol, watching the darkness in the yard, and avoiding me as I asked for night-night canoodles.

My bet, is that it's raccoons.  They wash their hands in The 'O' Cats's water bowl sometimes, leaving muddy water.  We pick up any food or used food bowls before calling it a night, just to keep any raccoon, groundhog, opossum, or marauding cat away.  But The PO'M is large and in charge, and doesn't take kindly to interlopers on his turf, and of course, he must protect Sweetie.

You all know I'll haul him into the vet's office, if his wound becomes icky.  Last year's abscess in his neck healed well, with the use of the Vetericyn spray, so I am sure we'll all be fine.



  1. He's protecting his territory. It's what a good cat does.

    I linked this post to Awww Mondays.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your mom. ♥

  2. It's a hard life for an outdoor kitty, but it's good that he has you to watch over him.

  3. Darn raccoons, I don't like those nasty creatures. I hope poor Patty is OK.

  4. Oh I'm sorry Paddy got injured. I hope his jaw will heal with Vetericyn spray. He is so lucky to have you to look after him xo

  5. I hope he's okay, and the wound doesn't develop into anything worse.

  6. Honestly your O cats are so well cared for, they aren't truly ferals at all. Just cats who choose to live outside. We're very sorry about his latest wound; raccoons are nasty and dangerous. But we do appreciate hearing how he protects Sweetie too.

  7. Hope he never goes claw to claw with a coon. Extra snuggles are always appropriate for such a good protector!

  8. We sure hope that Paddy heals up nicely, and quickly too!

  9. Oh no Paddy O....healing kitty kisses and I can certainly understand being a bit off.
    Hugs mad and mom

  10. dood.....just coz....we offer sum st francis' blessingz two ewe buddy....heerz ta all heeled up sew ya doe knot hafta go two de place oh eeeevil ~~~~ ☺☺♥♥

  11. Guard cat will still be guarding!
    Way to go Paddy O :)
    You are quite the cat <3
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  12. I was going to guess raccoons, but you suspected that. Hopefully everyone is able to avoid each other and not get injured (I'd bet on the raccoons....they can be nasty).

  13. oh, ps, the rooooooosters are noisy, noisy, noisy

  14. Poor guy, hope he heals quickly. Raccoons around us are always hastling the feral kitties in our community.

  15. Oh Paddy! You gotta stay clear of those raccoons. They can be mean.

  16. Paddy O' Honey, I am so glad you have your mom there to look over you and protect you as best as you will let her. She loves you and we do as well. Please get all better and I beg you to stay away from the raccoons. They are many times rabid and I do NOT want you to ever ever get bitten in case. And they are mean I'm afraid. Please be a good boy and stay away from them. Let your mom love on you and make you all better. XXXXXX

  17. Poor little guy :( He's so lucky to have you taking care of him though!

  18. poor baby! i know he is in good hands with you!

  19. Paddy, dude, take care. Don't want to get that boo-boo infected! - Tom x

  20. Oh Paddy O'Malley, purring that nasty puncture wound heals up quickly and nicely. Be careful out there!


  21. Oh goodness, hope he heals quickly. I have a cat that scratches a wound on his head all the time. I spray it, it heals, he scratches till it's bleeding, and I repeat the cycle.

  22. Aww Paddy, feel better! Good job protecting your area, but be safe!!

  23. Those masked villains were breaching his territory?! I hope POM he gave them the what's for! Those bandits used to visit our yard too and steal seeds from the squirrel feeders after dark!

  24. We just hate that POM gets in these scuffles. Coons carry rabies the same as any other wild animal. We're sendin' purrayers. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  25. Cats are very territorial animals. I'm not even surprised his reaction.
    We've recently moved to a different flat and we have loggia from the patio side of our building. There is one cat lady who's walking around from the ground floor flat. Purka hates her, she's always hissing at her! It's not even our flat - this cat is walking on the playground. But Purka doesn't feel comfortable anyway.
    I think this spray will help, we also use something similar when cats have some wounds which they gain during playing. It happens sometimes.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....