Monday, May 01, 2017

Looks Like A Spaceship!

These are images of Chuck's PM pill allotment.  The brown stuff is pill masker.  There are five pill pieces, plus one capsule in that glob.  I could try to get photos or even a video of The Hubby dropping that wad down Chuck's throat, but it all happens much too fast to really see anything.  He's learned to a) wait until Chuck has found a place to rest, b) he drops to his knees, tilts the cat's head back, and down the hatch it goes!, c) he rubs Chuck's throat to make sure that lump goes down, then, d) there is at least a full minute of hugging and cooing.  The AM pill allotment is smaller.

I believe that The Hubby's ability to pill Chuck so definitively twice a day, has made all the difference in Chuck's health.  The Hubby has a bowl full of medicine bottles and daily pill envelopes, and when we get close to the bottom of any of the pills, I am informed so refills can be obtained.  At this point, we get three meds from the vet's office, two from a compounding pharmacy, and one more from an online pet pharmacy.  The cost isn't too bad; it's more the organizational factor of phone calls, confirming phone calls, then pick up or delivery.  I, of course, am the buyer and stock clerk.

Which one of us has the more difficult job?  The way we see it, if it keeps Chuck around for a while, then it's worth every cent, and every moment spent.

(But that glob of pills really does look like a spaceship, or a UFO!)


  1. Ah, teamwork. Makes everything much easier.

  2. That does look like a huge spaceship :o
    Your DH is a hero for getting that was down Chuck's throat! What a knack he has :)
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  3. It's wonderful that the Hubby has that talent. Cat care really is at its best with two!

  4. Wow. And I thought I had to take a lot of pills. The mom crams all of mine into a little gelcap and then opens my mouth and shoves it in. I always get a little chicken juice afterwards too. ~Wally

  5. We are very impressed. Okay, let me clarify that: I am gobsmacked and shocked: poor Chuck. Äiti is in awe of Hubby's skills.

  6. Yikes. Benny is on several medications, but some are eye drops and one injection. I'm grateful that Benny is easy to pill, but he does "require" a treat afterward.

  7. That is quite a glob. Kudos to your hubby for pilling Chuck so well.
    The snuggles afterward make up for it!
    Enjoy your day.

  8. Dat sure looks like a big glob. We're glad things are goin' so well. Mommy says, there's no job too hard, or cost too high when it comes to havin' your beluvved's with you a little longer. Ya' might think 'bout a little water chaser after da glob just to make sure it goes all da way down and doesn't start disentigratin' in the esophagus. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

    PeeEss: We've learned since our posty yesfurday, dat da situation no longer exists. Pawssibly all da kitties involved are dead now.

  9. Your husband does such a great job! I think the hugging after pilling makes the whole experience a good one for Chuck :-)

  10. Way to go Chuck and Dad, that is a gob smack fur sure!

  11. We're impressed ! Great job ! Purrs

  12. It does look like a space ship. I am glad Chuck is getting his meds, I hope he is feeling better.

  13. Wow ! How great to have your husband be able to pill Chuck ! Two sets of hands / brains are a big help !
    Also, I agree- it is worth it to keep the kitty going as long as he is still enjoying life ! Purrs !

  14. I was WONDERING what that was... Your hubby sounds like a great piller.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....