Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Wife Check Wednesday

After locking Angel in a closet years ago (she was fine; she slept in the clothes basket), we make sure to do a 'cat check' before we leave the house, or when locking up at night.  

Angel found: Check!

Chucky found: Check!

However, The Hubby once forgot to do his 'wife check' and locked the door when I was still outside with The 'O' Cats!  Imagine my surprise at finding that I could not get back inside.  He had not yet gone upstairs, so he opened the door quickly after my knock.

Nowadays, as I head out to cuddle Sweetie and Patty O'Malley one last time before my bedtime, I've been known to remind The Hubby that I'm going out, and that he'd best do a 'wife check' before he decides to lock up for the night!

Sweetie found: Check!

Patty on my toes: Check!

Do you think he's trying to tell me something?  If I cannot convince The 'O' Cats to come inside, maybe I'd simply live outside with them! Wonder if Alley Cat Allies has a 'build-a-shelter' plan for humans?


  1. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPZ !!!!!!!!!!!!! ☺☺☺♥♥

  2. Poor you!

    Hope you don't get locked out tonight :)

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  3. HA! Our Dad did that just the other day to our Mom... and she was standing there at the glass door pawing and meowing to be let in. It was hilarious! Our neighbors probably thought she was bonkers. Yep, that's our Mom.

    1. Makes a peep wonder why the other peep wasn't paying attention! The heck with the neighbors; I want to get inside.

  4. Wife check...too funny!! Thank goodness your Dad was not asleep. If that had been my dad mom woulda been spending it outside Dad can (and did) sleep through a tornado passing over the neighborhood back in 1986.
    Hugs madi your bfff

    1. He slept through a tornado! Wow, that's some seriously deep sleep

  5. Maybe you could have a nice roll in some catnip before going in!

  6. oops. :) mom does the cat count thing too. though one morning she KNEW Mo was still in the bedroom but sort of forgot again until she was half way to work. oh well....we suspect he may have enjoyed the quiet

  7. Oops ! We hope he won't do it again ! Purrs

  8. Glad everyone is getting checked for location. That is always good. Have a good day.

  9. Sweety, ask Mom to ask Patty to stop being fussy with you.

  10. I've locked myself out of the house--sadly there is no check to prevent that!

  11. That's too funny! I'm paranoid about locking doors behind me as soon as I come in and I've been known to lock family members outside accidentally. (Or maybe on purpose at times LOL!)

  12. I bet Patty and Sweetie would love for you to sleep outside with them. I wonder if you had a tent in your yard and slept in it for a night if they would join you. :)

  13. HAH! TW never goes out without her keys, except in the middle of the night when she has to drop my poos down the garbage chute. She leaves the door ajar and hopes *I* won't lock her out.

  14. A wife check, MOL! The Mom does a cat check every time she leaves the house, too! She has to physically touch us before she leaves to make sure we aren't stuck in any closets or anything.

  15. Glad to see everyone was accounted for. Chuck has locked me out a few times. I had to hammer on a window the last time to get him to hear me.
    Have a good day!

  16. LOL wife check! We do cat check before leaving house and before going to bed, too. Also I have to do it after opening/closing laundry room. Goro is known to sneak in without being noticed!

  17. We started doing a cat check after Tucker went missing a few years ago. It's harder when you have more kitties!

  18. Oh yes, leaving the wife outside can be very dangerous!

  19. Wife check made me laugh heartily! Lovely photos.

  20. Yes, we do the cat check every morning and evening. Could not find one of ours yesterday morning and had to go to work. Ended up that he had got in our Granddaughters room even though she said no cats where in there. Thank god we found him.

  21. Long time ago when we had three kitties, one of them was locked in the closet for ten days...OMC, that was horrible...she was fine was cool in there, and judging by the mess we found, she must have caught a mouse...we live in an old frame home subject to those kind of 'invasions'...and she found the pile of wool scarves to make her nest on, which kept her cozy.
    Vet said she was not even that dehydrated, etc.

    But, yes, talk about the kitty check after that!

  22. Not to laugh, but you were lucky to have someone inside to let you back in. A couple of times I've inadvertently locked myself out and had to crawl through a window. Just grateful no one called the paw-lice at the house burglar. 😅


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