Sunday, August 06, 2017

The Skinny On Sunday Or Monday

Many of you won't read this until Monday, but I'm up late on Sunday trying to catch up on my week-plus of vacation.

Sadly, I report that my friend's two dogs, Nala and Champ, were both hit by cars and crossed The Rainbow Bridge soon after they escaped their yard.  When I posted here, the only information available was about Champ.  Thank you for your warm thoughts for the family.😢

Unhappy Chuck, at the vet's office
On Saturday, Chuck and I visited the veterinarian, who took radiographs of his chest.  There are shadows around his lungs, meaning fluid has accumulated. The Hubby had already increased his dosage of Enalapril (blood pressure), and the vet wanted an increase in Spironolactone (water pill) too.  She gave me her work email, to let her know how Chuck responds to these changes.  We made an appointment for a new heart and lung echocardiogram in a month.

Chuck has lost weight since his last visit, and after Saturday's appointment, he's been sleeping more and not eating much.  Perhaps my return to a regular work schedule will help get him back on track. And of course, Angel is hissing at him (and me!)

And yet, in spite of it all, we as a family had lovely weather to enjoy snuggles, walks around parks, and visits to outdoor farmer's markets and shopping.
Love these banks of flowers!
They are everywhere.
Sweetie actually posed for a photo
Crazy tree trunk at Stoney Creek MetroPark
in Shelby Township, Michigan
Angel, getting some summer whiffies!
Back to work!


  1. We are so sorry to hear of the passing of both dogs. Our best purrayers go out to Chucky, for his improvement.

  2. WE sure send some huge purrs and prayers to Chucky. Hope the vet can help him. Sorry about the two dogs. That is so sad. Have a good day.

  3. I'm so sorry Nala also left for rainbow bridge. What a horrible tragedy...heartfelt condolences to your friend.

    Sending purrs to Chuck xo

  4. I have a feral cat with FIV who has lost lots weight despite feeding good dry and tinned food. He seems to have infection in his gum s although still had his teeth. Cant catch him with trap giving him antibiotics in his feed. Any ideas of anything else I could do to help him he is only 5 years old.

    1. Jo, do you have access to a drop trap? I've had great luck using one. Our local low-cost spay/neuter clinic has them for use, as well as humane and very quiet traps. Are you near Metro Detroit, cause I could loan my own drop trap to you! Thank you for caring for the ferals! Answer using the form on the sidebar, if you'd like.

  5. I have a feral cat with FIV who has lost lots weight despite feeding good dry and tinned food. He seems to have infection in his gum s although still had his teeth. Cant catch him with trap giving him antibiotics in his feed. Any ideas of anything else I could do to help him he is only 5 years old.

  6. We're sending our best thoughts to Champ and Nala's family. Run fast and free, sweet ones. Also sending all our purrs to Chuck!

  7. we are so sorry for that family.

    purrs for Chuck too

  8. Purrs to sweet Chucky from all of us. We are so aorry to hear that Nala is gone too.

  9. chuck...dood.....we iz sorree buddy N we send de manee manee blessings oh st francis two ewe; we hope de new ree geem...werkz ♥♥♥♥

    Godspeed Nala; ~~~~~~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥

  10. So sad about Nala and Champ. Sending lots of purrs to their family.

    We hope the change in meds helps Chucky feel better.

  11. We hope Chuck feels better soon. We're so sorry to hear about Nala and Champ.

  12. That is heartbreaking about both dogs. I am praying for Chuck. XO

  13. That is tragic about the dogs. Please offer my condolences to the family. That is such a heartache for family.

    Chuck, please. Eat honey...try to get better.

  14. That is heartbreaking about both dogs :( I'm sorry if I missed this, but is it CHF with Chucky? That's what my Tara had. We'll be purring for him.

    1. Chuck has thickening heart muscle; it's not pushing blood well anymore. Seems his intestinal problems go hand-in-hand with a weak ticker. He's 13; we are praying for a 14th birthday. His twin sister Angel is hale & hearty. My condolences to you for Angel Tara

  15. Nala, too--what a terrible loss for that family. We hope that Chuck adjusts well to the new adjustments with his meds. Poor boy!

    We love all your photos!

  16. I am sooo sad to learn of what happened to those sweet dogs. That is beyond heartbreaking and I am so sorry. Sending purrs and prayers that the med adjustments help Chuck (((hugs)))

  17. Terrible news--so sorry--hope Chuck feels better- glad you can still find joy in lovely flowers despite stressful week!

  18. I'm sorry to hear about the dogs. What a heartbreaking situation for their family.

    Poor Chuck. We hope the new med changes help him feel better. Please keep us posted. We will keep him - and you - in our purrs and prayers.

  19. So sorry about your friend;s dogs. And purraying for Chuck to get some help from the med changes.

  20. We're sorry to hear about the two dogs. We send comforting purrs to their family. Purrs

  21. We send more purrs to your friend at the loss of her two precious furbabies.

    Chuck my friend OMCs I do hope you start to feel better. Getting old is not for sissies...just ask me. Thank you for your good wishes
    Hugs madi your bfff

  22. We're purrayin' hard fur Chuck to get all better fast. And we're glad you had a good time with awnty Sharon. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  23. Sending comforting thoughts to Nala and Champ's family. I hope the medication increase will help Chuck.

  24. That is so sad about your neighbors dogs. I hope Chuck starts feeling better.

  25. So sad for your neighbors losing both their dogs.
    I hope Chuck is feeling better soon and Angel stops hissing at him. That's a really interesting tree trunk.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....