Wednesday, December 06, 2017

So, Do You Want Some Photos Of Da Boyz?

Manny has scaled Mount Refridge

"Chili" not sitting still for a photo

Um...yeah, this is what most of
my photos look like...

This is the best I have done so far!  As I arrive home after the sun has set, and I leave again when it's just gotten up, the lighting STINKS for photographing black furrs.  And they are on the MOVE constantly, plus when I get near with my phone, they headbunt me and lick my fingers.  Or, they lay all over me and purr, and how can I make a good image of that?

As for Angel, she's doing sorta okay.  The Hubby isn't keen on her constant hissing and growling, but it's getting less every day.  I tell him to remember that she's had run of the place for over 13 years, and now these noisy, nosy teenagers get all up in her grill so FAST; I'd growl too!  But, there is no angry stuff, no fluff suits, no whapping or charging.  And it's only been four whole days...

Manny will forever be Manny, but we are still on the fence with his brother's name.  We've switched to Chili, however that doesn't seem quite right either.  Heck, I've called him Buster Brown enough times to make THAT his name!  (Actually, I say "I love you!" in his soft fur so often, he may start responding to it!) 


  1. Hello appears you are right a home!
    Angel...darlin' I'd for sure be hissy too if two kits moved gotta let know you were there first. They are handsome burdders though
    Hugs madi your bfff

  2. PS and Da Boyz are not Chucky...and you just need to adjust.
    kitty kisses

  3. doodz...cut yur sister sum slackz....herz tryin ta adjust ta... stuff.....ya noe...N we think manny N buster R grate namez....soundz like a samich shoppe ore sum thin...N how kewl iz THAT...samichez ~~~~~~~ ♥♥♥

  4. I've learned with Ringo that photographing moving black cats is difficult! After being in a cage for weeks, they must be THRILLED to be in a home. Love!

  5. You goys sure are doing great, have fun!

  6. It just takes time. Don't give up! Our mom says the hardest cat to photograph is a black cat.

  7. Why yes, we definitely want pictures! They are so grateful to have a great home, we know. Poor Angel... This is hard but sounds like she's taking it about as well as can be expected.

  8. mom gets lots of those pictures of Daiquiri - you pull out a camera and she is ALL up in it :)

  9. It's fun to see photos of the boys! Photographing black kitties is always tricky.

    Sending extra hugs to Angel!

  10. Black cats are always difficult to photograph ;) Purrs

  11. Angel, I feel your pain! I do indeed! ~ Allie

  12. just darling! Angel will come around, don't forget, she recently lost her best friend...she needs time. I think you should pick a name befitting of a regal black kitty! catchatwithcarenandcody

  13. They're so cute! The purrfect name will crop up before you know it.

  14. Up in her grill...I swear, Mom just snorted when she laffed. XX

  15. Ha ha ha, Katie! Ivan and Izzy know all about getting all up in somebody's grill! We sure hope though that Angel adjusts better than Snapoline. We're sure she will. :-)

    Those two are adorable! And they look like they're settling in very nicely.

  16. A calming collar may help Angel feel better and calmer about these intruders. They are adorable. :)

  17. On winter days with no sun, it is so difficult to get decent photos of cats!

    The Chans

  18. Awww sounds like they are doing really well in their new home! I hope Angel will adjust, too. Love the photo of Manny on Mount Refridge :-)

  19. Ha ha! It is so hard to get good pictures of black cats, especially when they only want to do extreme close-ups. Da Boyz look like they're have a great time. Maybe once Angel gets used to them she'll find them amusing. :)

  20. My cat is white but I still have a hard time taking pictures of him. Whenever he sees me with the camera on my hand he won't stop moving around. I hope Angel gets used to her new companions!

  21. Black is a big challenge for photos! That just means you have to take thousands of them to get it right. We hope Angel stops hissing - but she is a girlcat so it might take a while, especially with two swaggering teens in the hood, wanting to live life at full speed as they are so darn grateful to be with you.

  22. MOL! I have lots of shots like that last one, too.

  23. They are sooo cuuuute! And I love that ChiliakaBusterBrown is now responding to "I love you". ��


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....