Friday, December 15, 2017

Introducing Chili Bruce Lee!

Chili, the picture of innocence...HA!

Chili Boxed

Chili in front with tail in the air, Manny behind
waiting for those magic doors to open!

Named Bruce Wayne by the animal rescue, we've played around with our boy's moniker until it's evolved into Chili Bruce Lee.  The veterinarian declared that Chili has some Oriental cat breed in him, as indicated by his body shape, glossy fur, and head shape...hence the 'Bruce Lee' extension to his name.  Chili has one white whisker, and is only a few ounces lighter than brother Manny.  If Manny's Alpha-cat personality ranks an 11 on the 1 to 10 scale, then Chili is about 8-1/2; still plenty full of energy, but he can quietly sit in a box too.  When the two of them hit the open door, all humans and cats WATCH OUT...the beasts are unleashed and you'd better stay out of their way!

Chili also licks my fleecy tops, and likes to lay on my legs, and then wriggle up to my chest for a nap.  Angel hisses at both of Da Boyz, however she's allowed Chili to sit near her for a couple of minutes in silence.  Chili will not let a morsel of food escape his notice!

I look forward to spending the upcoming work break with all of our cats, as the office is closed from 12/25/17 to 1/2/18.  Being in charge of several off-site and all-day work meetings this week, I've barely caught my breath.  And the substantial snowfall that occurred on Wednesday, ate up a lot of my free time due to driving VERY SLOWLY on the snow-choked roads.  I promise to visit all of my blogging friends soon!


  1. They are so gorgeous! And in excellent hands, we know.

  2. They have they have the most beautiful fur!! Zulu is an oriental - a havana brown oriental and I can see it in yours! LOVE the name! Suits him

  3. What a couple of cuties...we know they're gonna bring you lots of happiness.

  4. In love with your handsome boys! Such a pleasure to get to know them.

  5. don't worry about us, be safe, spend time bonding with the kitties and giving Angel some lovin'........enjoy your break and drive safely! catchatwithcarenandcody

  6. Those sweet boys will sure enjoy that break of yours, maybe more than you do!

  7. That is great that you get to spend some time with the kitty kats. Our Black Boy has one white whisker too.We like that name, Chili Bruce Lee. Have a great week end.

  8. Look at that Chili tail! He sure is one happy boy!

  9. They are both such cuties. I am sure their first Christmas is going to be exciting and fun.

  10. I used to have a huge black cat that was hyperactive and an alpha male cat, and he wouldn't get off my lap. Sometimes he'd cry when I left for work, and once he chased me for two or three blocks, calling me back. He'd sit on my lap with his head cradled on my arm, like a baby, or with his head on my chest. Those were the days.

  11. Chili Bruce Lee is such a great name for your gorgeous boy! I love his white whisker. So adorable :-) I hope you will enjoy holiday with your kitties!

  12. Such a handsome,sleek boy :)
    We love those shiny panther furs.
    Chili sounds like quite a character too :)
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  13. Nice to meet Chili and Manny ! They are beautiful panthers ! Purrs

  14. Such handsome guys! Enjoy your week off with them!

  15. It is so fun seeing them enjoy their new home. That is pretty good progress from Angel in such a short amount of time!

  16. I love that Chili's original name is now his middle name. One of my adopters did that with two of my former foster kittens. They are now Emmylou Bubbles and Jimmy Fizz! ��

  17. Chili Bruce Lee is so handsome. They both are! Bet you can't wait for your break from work!

  18. He's so very handsum. We're so glad ya'll found each other. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  19. Guys, dudes its such a great purrleasure to meet mew and what an epically epic home mew've got!

    House Panthers rule fur sure, just ask Parsley and angel Humphrey! MOL

    Bestest festive greetings

    Basil & Co xox

  20. my Ollie had one white whisker on top of his black head.. I loved to pretend he was a unicorn.

    I love Chili's new name.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....