Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Alas, No Collars...

Magenta collar, left abandoned on the floor

If you'd read my recent post, Bad Collared Cat Mom, you would know that we put collars on Manny (blue) and Chili Bruce (magenta) so we can tell them apart.  I hated to do it, but it made calling each cat by their proper name much easier.

Within days of that post, Manny removed his blue color, and removed it again every time I snapped it back on.  He knew to bite the plastic clasp; I watched him do it.  What a rascal, but since CB was still wearing his collar, all was well.  One collar on, one collar off.

Imagine, then, when I returned home from a long weekend trip to Indianapolis, Indiana with my friends, to open the door and start loving on the first black cat to collar, so it's Manny!  Smooches and groping ensued, until the second black cat wanted some of that action too...and no collar!  Whom was I kissing?


The Hubby soon explained that CB had lost his collar 'sometime' during the days I was gone, and he just didn't bother with it.  He claims he can 'mostly' tell them apart.  The collars are obviously for ME, but they don't like them.  Therefore, I must amp up my cat-identifying game now.  CB is round in the body, while Manny is sleek.  This will have to be my way of recognizing them.  Or, I just call every black cat in the house "Handsome" or "Brother" or "Good Boy"!

No collars on.

P.S. I'll visit your blogs soon as I catch up.


  1. hahaha....fortunately everyone here looks different cause we give up on collars. though last year we had a look alike bunch of kittens. mom thought she was smart and got the velcro day found them stacked up, stuck to each other and stuck to the carpet. :)

  2. No collars here. All indoor cats :)

  3. guyz....nekkid iz best any way...N frank lee.. de last time me N cuzin daiz waz called tuna or dai$y iz any onez guess....even if we DONT lookz a like.... we vote for handsum one and two :) ♥♥

  4. Whoops, they're having none of that! LOL

  5. My human would probably wind up shaving a small patch of fur on one - on a spot that isn't likely to be in photos, like the inside of a back leg.

  6. MOL ! No collars here ! Good luck ! Purrs

  7. Good thing we're all different colors here.

  8. MOL! Those boys... they do like keeping you on your toes.

  9. Maybe if you made a collar for Manny out of toilet paper...

  10. They just want to give you a challenge and keep you on your toes, mama!

  11. The really just did that to confuse you!

  12. I guess they really didn't like those.

  13. That is a bit of a dilemma. How about something about the face? Whiskers? Ears?

  14. Maybe someone should be a candidate for getting a little mohawk haircut!
    One of my cats refused to wear a collar (he'd strangle himself trying to get it off). But none of my cats looked alike.

  15. Well, that's a problem! Maybe they don't want you to be able to tell them apart :)

  16. I smiled at the smoochies and groping. All kitties have to endure this!

  17. LOL! Boys are giving you a hard time, aren't they? :-)

  18. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop, collars or not!

  19. I am beyond "anti" collars so I am THRILLED to hear the news! Smart boys!

  20. Mom had the same dilemma with Johnny and Cash when they came into our home. Tabby brothers. It took awhile, but she finally got it right. Johnny (now an angel) had a white patch on his chest and he was smaller than Cash. Johnny was also the dominant cat of the two.


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