Friday, June 08, 2018

Bionic Basil's Excellence In Puzzling Award

I had no idea there were online jigsaw puzzles, until Colehaus Cats offered one in a post a long time ago!  I was instantly hooked, and have been enjoying a puzzle or two a day since.  I use them as mini-breaks, instead of a smoke break or coffee break, during my work time.

When asked to complete a jigsaw puzzle with an eye on the time it takes to complete, I yell, "GAME ON!" and put my nose to the grindstone.  I have a few time-reducing tricks, and I LOVE to see the finished product.

Image my surprise...and be crowned Professor Basil's Brain Training Academy's Jigsaw Puzzle Champion 2018!  Oh, how much fun!  Thank you very much; it's a labor of love, and you all have terrific puzzles for play with.

On a sad note, my corporate office has blocked my jigsaw puzzle websites as of a couple of weeks ago.  They are considered 'game websites'.  Therefore, I jigsaw only on my home Mac now.  Alas and alack, but what can one do? 

Don't think I'm not going to defend my Champion title!  It's still GAME ON!  I certainly hope that Basil is doing okay; he's postponed his 16th Birthday Party because of illness.  Feel better, Basil; we love you, and want to par-tay with you soon!


  1. Congrats on this prestigious award! The mom hasn’t gotten hooked on puzzles yet. If she did, we’d probably never get fed!

  2. Haha, that's funny that your company blocked the site! What's a person to do at work now? Congrats on the title!

  3. See, nothing puzzles you! We're worried about dear Basil too, poor guy.

  4. Concats! Our mom does the occasional online puzzle but she has a tendency to get too enthusiastic about playing games and before you know it, we're nothing but bones on the floor!

    P.S. Did you see the responses to your question about mouseovers?

  5. Congratulations on your well deserved award. You truly are the champ!

  6. Congratulations on your prize.

  7. Wow congratulations on your title! I’m not good at jigsaw puzzles but it sure is a fun game :-) Too bad you can no longer enjoy jigsaw break at work!

  8. Congrats on the award. Mum does puzzles to help her brain keep smart.

    She also has a suggestion for your droopy pee-o-kees. Watch for a sale on the wire cages that they advertise to keep tomater plants up right. Buy as many as you need this summer. Then, next spring as the pee-o-knees come up, put in the support cage and then try to keep as much of the plant inside the cage as you can. It is what mum does.

  9. Oh, no! Jan is a jigsaw puzzle fan, so she can't imagine not being able to visit the sites. Glad your mom can still do them at home. And congrats for your award from Basil.

  10. Quite the award, and well done. It seems unfair that since all of your practising was at work, you are now unable to do it there. I learned just recently about the jigsaws from Flynn (and Eric)'s site. I never knew of them before that.

  11. Sure sounds like tons of fun. We hope Basil's feeling better soon.

  12. We didn't know about the puzzles either.
    Congrats on your well deserved award
    Hugs mad and Mom

  13. Congratulations! That is most impressive. #1 says she will check out the online jigsaws.

    The Chans

  14. guyz.....conga ratz on yur trofee.....itz well dee served......we couldna beet yur time lezz we waz given onlee 4 peecez ta putz two gether !!! ...N may bee when mom iz at her home pea sea...her can email de puzzle two herself at werk N play that way ? !! ☺☺♥♥

  15. We like jigsaw puzzles..after they're all finished, hehehe!! Congrats on the award. Well-deserved! - Tom x

  16. Wow! That's a worthy title if'n we ever heard of one! Congrats! Those puzzles are addicting and fun! Our Mom loves them, too!


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....