Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Window Wednesday

Chili Bruce loves the window in our downstairs bathroom, which is currently being remodeled.  He wedges himself inside, even though there really isn't enough room for him. 

Don't worry, The Hubby has nailed the screen into the outside frame, so CB won't fall matter how hard he pushes!

CB is deft...
...and determined... wedge himself in that window!

If you cannot see the video below:


  1. Chili Bruce is persistent! One has to give him credit. It is funny how they take some place as theirs and everybody else can just get over it.


  2. Way to go! Can't blame a guy for trying!

  3. You better watch him...where there's a will, there's a way...and there's a lotta will there.

  4. I had a cat fall out a screen once!!! It's now secured better than Alcatraz LOL

  5. That is funny, he is very determined.

  6. CB, you are a cat who definitely knows what he wants!

  7. Chili Bruce, you silly boy! Even *I* haven't tried that!


  8. What a cutie! He has a very determined look!

  9. Raven does something similar in our sliding glass door. I don't know why, they like squishing into the track when they could just sit at the open window.

  10. That just looks awkward to me!

  11. Well, that's a new level of determination.

  12. Enjoy the whiffing it is so dang hot here and has been for over a month. Spring we have pollen then summer we have the Horrible Triplet, Hot, Hazy and Humid. We never open windows
    Hugs madi your bfff

  13. OMC That scares us fur a lot of reasons. CB, be careful, ya' don't want that window to fall down on ya and splat ya'. And you don't wanna scratch a hole in the screen and fall thru. MOL Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  14. MOL! This is totally something Sophie would do!

  15. When I lived in a house, my Tungsten would do that, but she was so slight that she could fit easily between the pane and the screen.

  16. hello chili bruce its dennis the vizsla dog hay kitties shoor do luv windos!!! my hipster kitty brother and sister spend lots of time at varyus windows and sliding glass doors stayring at the wurld owtside my dada sez they ar keeping an eye owt for ennything wot moovs!!! and their is plenty of that owt their!!! ok bye


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