Tuesday, March 05, 2019

As Seen On The Road

My eye was drawn to the 'cat' part of this license plate.
But I don't know what it's supposed to mean.
Maybe the car belongs to a computer whiz, using cat instead of dude or pro?


See Grumpy Cat decal?
Sorry for the weird image; taken through my frost-dotted window, while waiting at a red light.
Grumpy Cat is flipping 'the bird' with both paws, but we all know that cats would never do such a thing! 




  1. Cats on the road, both are pretty interesting!

    1. My only gripe is the 'Who Rescued Who?' sticker...it's "Who Rescued WHOM!" That one bugs me...

  2. I love to look at all the decals and license plates too. It's most fun to try to figure out what some of them say. You need to link this to Happy Tuesday. It's a fun post.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

    1. Thanks for the link. Sometimes I can make sense of them easily, then others are too strange, and I figure that they are inside jokes.

  3. Haha, custom license plate! They're so popular in Poland - when you want to show everyone you're rich you're making a custom plate, lol. I actually don't understand it at all :D

    This sticker is cute I think. I like the grumpy cat. When I was in the USA I've bought a pendant with the fluffy grumpy cat! I love it!
    I'm planning to buy some sticker to put it on my car, but it probably won't be a cat. Maybe something related to the Warsaw Uprising.

    1. I used to have a custom plate, but got rid of it many years ago. Also, I would plaster my car with cat stickers and "Don't Declaw" signs, but I share the car with The Hubby, and it's not fair to him.

  4. Our mom has a license plate that reads Author and the frame around it sez Cat Humor Wonderpurr.com. She says she's sorry Dad got that set up for her. While it's a nice gesture...she worries about making some bonehead move on the road and somebody can track her down and make a rude comment on her blog. So far that hasn't happened. Not yet anyway.

    1. Yes, I've thought the same thing about customizing my plate or putting a sticker on. The Hubby thinks we need to keep the cars very neutral, so even the police won't notice us...LOL!

  5. guyz....noe catz never wood ☺☺ N when it comez ta BURD any thing round heer, thatz a for everz never !! :) ♥♥

  6. Those are funny! I love seeing people with dog or cat things on their vehicles. It makes driving more fun.

    1. I would have stuff plastered all over my wee car, but learned that other drivers start tailgating and doing weird stuff.

  7. I love looking at number plates and decals on cars. There is one parked up that I pass every week. It has got a Garfield in the back window with a tail hanging down the back of the car from under the rear wiper.

    1. Some people have some very interesting stuff on their cars! I forget to snap a photo 9 times out of 10, but I managed to do so for these two.

  8. I always make words out of licence plate letters. I figure some day I will instinctively remember an automobile needed for being in an accident. Or something.

    1. I cannot even remember my own license plate digits...

  9. Ha. Cats would totally flip people off. ... If they wanted to spend the energy. Digicat is a pretty neat plate.

    I'm happy to report that a lady from a TNR group is bringing two traps on Sunday, and will get them when they have occupants.

    1. That's great! Shae's life is going to be a whole lot better someday soon.

  10. You better pay attention to the road. That looks like snow!!! We don't want anythin' happenin' to you cuz you were takin' fotos of decals and license plates. MOL Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  11. Digicat...that’s an interesting one.

  12. My cats have been known to give me "the Tail" when they are displeased,

  13. Of course we don't believe it--cats don't even HAVE middle fingers! Mom always notes cat-related things on cars too.

  14. Actually, one of those "flippers" is the Apple logo, not the middle finger of a paw. I had to look hard to figure that out.

  15. That is a good one...would digital cat make any sense. LOL Some of the ones we see are baffling
    Hugs Cecilia

  16. You are really good at spotting cat-stuff :-) I wonder what the license plate is supposed to mean, too!

  17. MOL! Our sister Tessa would never do that. She'd show her backside instead!

  18. Yeah, I wonder what that license plate means!


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