Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Detroit's CatVideo Fest

I previously posted about this here:
Thankful Thursday: CatVideo Fest 2019

On Saturday, March 9, I met up with friends Sue from The Island Cats, and Beth (BG) to watch "CatVideo Fest 2019" at the Detroit Film Theatre.  We also bumped into Cheryl from Black Cat Pottery!

Beth, me, and Sue before the show started.
Sue was wearing her cat ears at one point...

Video of a person petting wee kittens...the crowd "AWWW'd" loudly!

Video shot of a man playing piano, using his cat's paw to hit a specific key.
Very cute!

This fellow was ringing the bell to get treats, and didn't seem to understand 'no more!'
The audience laughed heartily.

This kitty was filmed while enjoying catnip.
So hilarious!
Me, Sue and Beth had lunch at Seva in Detroit
It was yummy!
Vegetarian and Vegan foods

I purchased this shirt just for the occasion!
Thrift store, hanging in the wrong aisle, and in with the wrong colors.
Am thinking the cat gods meant it for me!

Go here: CatVideo Fest to see where it's playing in your next of the US of A woods!  I hope they decide to allow it to travel to other countries. The Detroit Film Theatre has already announced that they'll put the CatVideo Fest 2010 on the agenda, as the 2019 version was a rousing success.


  1. That had to be such a fun time and Sue is always fun. I hope Sue is doing some better recovering from the sads.

  2. So fun meeting up with like minded friends. How fun.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  3. It's awesome that you all got to get together to watch the CatVideo Fest!

  4. My human went to the L.A. showing, and loved it!

  5. The mom said it was such a fun time...just what she needed. Just like that t-shirt you found. She needs that!

  6. Looks like such a great time. The cat ringing the bell would be just too funny. Love the shirt you got. Thanks for the share. Have a great day.
    World of Animals

  7. I heard it's [or something like it] coming here. I wasn't going to look into it, but after seeing your post, I'm curious.

  8. Oh how I wish I could have seen it and met you all too!~

  9. That looks like so much fun! We love that t-shirt too!!

  10. What a great outing and to meet up with other bloggers makes it so much better!

  11. Oh, I LOVES IT!!! I don't knows why there aren't more funny kitteh commercials on the teevees ~ kittehs are VERY funny! Maybe the advertising peeps will go to the festival and gets some ideas!
    Loves the shirt!
    Ruby ♥

  12. Ohhhhh what fun you all had. I don't think there is anything like that in my neck of the woods.
    Loved all the smiles
    Hugs Cecilia

  13. how cool is this !!! glad everyone got to meet up and have a great afternoon ☺☺♥♥

  14. What a great time you had with your friends! Those videos looks so much fun. And what a cute t-shirt you found :-)

  15. Oh, how fun! We had it here to and I went with my daughter. Just loved it on so many levels.

    Fun that you got to hang out with some cat blogger friends, too!

  16. It's always fun to meet up with other bloggers and the cat film fest was the cream on top. Cat Chat Caren wasn't there? She's in Detroit.

    1. Caren doesn't drive much, and she declined to join the party. When she is feeling better, I'll go to her side of town to meet for lunch or at least a coffee (she's addicted!)

  17. What fun! Thanks for sharing the pics and good times!


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