Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Postcard: Loganberry Books

Loganberry Books FB
Loganberry Books Website
Loganberry Books Photo by Beth Giannosa

Otis's Staff Information from Loganberry Books website

Otis, from Loganberry Books FB Page
Traveled to Shaker Heights, Ohio, to visit Otis at Loganberry Books.  Unfortunately, Otis was feeling under the weather, and wasn't at the bookstore that day, however...BOOKS!  Beth and I love cats, yet we love books too!  Funny thing; neither of us purchased a single book, but we both walked out with handfuls of greeting cards and bookmarks, most of them featuring CATS!  Then we ate at The Flying Crane, which was directly across the street, and the food was wonderful.

Flying Crane's yakisoba noodles!  YUM!
After lunch, we stopped at Eclectic Eccentric, where I found a delightful pair of earrings:

Laurel Burch!
Needs a bit of sprucing yet...
The store owner struck up a conversation, wondering aloud whether she was ready to adopt a cat. We suggested that she consider TWO cats! 😺😺

We next ventured into WOLFS, a fine art gallery and auction house.  Of course, I didn't snap any photos of items for sale.  It was like an art museum, and we looked at everything!  We also chatted with the owner, and his two puppy Sheep Dogs.  Guarding the front door, however, were these wonderful metal lions:

Reminds me of the "Dying Gaul" statue...
Big Paws!
Shaker Heights was only the beginning of our travels; coming soon:
Where oh where was this image taken?


  1. Too bad Otis didn't feel like greeting you but it looks like you found plenty of fun!

  2. What a fun fun fun post. I truly love bookstores and REAL books. No kindle for me. Get well wishes to Otis!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. Oh my family would LOVE that bookstore!

  4. Hopefully, Otis is feeling better. And that you get back to see him again !

  5. Oh I love this post...I love them all but books...paper and bound books...I love them. ebooks are OK in a bind. You go the best PLACES! Meet the neatest people. Have the handsomest cats! Wish I were next door and good friends.

  6. I love the outside of that book store. I hope Otis is okay and soon back on duty.

  7. Wow, that’s quite the book store! Too bad Otis wasn’t there.

  8. Otis will be better your next visit.

    I love a good bookstore and that lunch looks mighty fine.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  9. Ah, books and cat.. a purrfect match. And I always love hearing about working cats.

  10. What a wonderful time you must have had! Our mom is envious. Love the cat earrings! (And the cat couple!)

  11. That sounds like a fun day. :)

  12. Mum loves books but rarely buys them. She just borrows from the library. Nice other stuff you got.

  13. That's some cool stuff that you found. It's too bad Otis wasn't feeling well when you visited.

  14. What a wonderful visit ! Too bad Otis didn't feel well ! Purrs

  15. What wonderful places, thanks for sharing them.

  16. I love the Loganberry Books building! Too bad you didn't get to meet Otis but sound like your day was full of fun! Kitties in the last photo are adorable :-)

  17. What a bummer that Otis wasn't feeling well, but I appreciate that they let him have private time. Adorable earrings!

  18. Too bad you didn't get to see Otis. But that place looks amazing!


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....