Thursday, October 22, 2020

Canopy Cat Rescue

"We rescue cats stuck in trees all over Western Washington.

We are a non-profit organization because EVERY cat deserves the chance to be  rescued."

Tom Otto and Shaun Sears are arborists, who love cats.  They discovered there was a real need for someone to rescue cats stuck high in trees in their area.  These gentlemen and their team are true heroes, who work only on donations.

This is why, when I saw a fundraiser for Canopy Cat Rescue, I ordered a very cool hoodie!
Worn with pride!

Purrsonally, I think these men should run for President, but then they wouldn't be climbing trees to rescue stuck kitties?!?

Watch their videos; I'm telling you, these guys put it all on the line for felines!

I am thankful for their huge hearts, and their tree-climbing skills.

Speaking of trees, here are some images from my 'hood:

Taken on October 16
Same tree, taken October 21
These yellow leaves just glow; the photo doesn't do it justice.

 Jigsaw Puzzle
Let's Hop!

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  1. That is a cute hoodie and we always applaud rescues. Those leaves sure are pretty. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  2. Cat rescue is a wonderful thing. I too love the sweatshirt.

    Oh the colors of fall are so beautiful.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥

  3. That's awesome. This happened to me once and no authorities I called could help. On my own, my husband out of town, I (somehow) blessedly caught our kitty when she fell from her high perch.

    1. Thank goodness you caught the kitty! This other treed cat rescue dude has a list of other treed cat rescuers here:

  4. What a great thing to do, SUPERHEROES! I love the leaves in Fall - not many here change color, but the few that do really stand out!

  5. We love the hoodie ! What a wonderful way to help the rescue ! Purrs

  6. What a gorgeous collection of red leaves...and as they turned they have turned loose.
    Hugs Cecilia
    PS I like your hoodie too

  7. Love the hoodie, and that rescue sounds pawesome! The tree pics are epic, we'll go attempt the puzzle MOL XOX

  8. Aw that's a wonderful cause. i don't have outdoor cats, but I imagine they do get into some trouble. When My family was in Souix Falls South Dakota, I was walking our dog and a kitten was crying in a tree. I put my dog in a down stay. I called the little kitten and it climbed down all the branches and came to me. HE was a bobtail kitten.. The local Animal control came and got it. They said it was their 3rd today. Poor little baby. But it was fun to get it to safety;

  9. One of my cats was about 80 feet up a pine tree in January of 2013. A lady walking here dog heard her hollering. She called the SPCA, the local animal control. the fire dept. etc. No one was "able to help." Then she called the local paper, who ran a story. By then Peaches had been there three days, the middle day of which was near-blizzard. I called the woman and said I'd come help heer try to coax her down, though she had already tried that. By the time I arrived a local tree guy had climbed up and gotten the cat down - but the lady couldn't keep the cat due to allergies, so I ended up with her. She is a wonderful kitty. She lost half of one ear to frostbite but that doesn't seem to be an issue. Bless the "tree guys" !

  10. That was so good to read and some of the comments just made my evening as with catladymac. Yours, onTimmy Tomcats blog just made my heart swell.

  11. I like the hoodie. How kind of you to help a great group. Beautiful photos. Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  12. Thank cod there are folks like that! Love the hoodie and the beautiful leaf pics!

  13. I have seen their FB posts and they do such wonderful work. I love the hoodie too.

  14. I followed them on Facebook a while ago...I think because I saw you had followed them!


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