Friday, October 09, 2020

Curious Events Day

October 9 is Curious Events Day!

"What is that?", you ask.

Honestly, I don't know, but I do know about curious events, so here's one of my stories:

After Angel went OTRB in January, I kept finding her spent whiskers.

You'd think, as I did, that after living with us for 16 years, there is bound to be a few items that weren't cleaned up.

Yet, I keep finding them, and in the middle of room!

And, all of our inside cats are BLACK!  Not a white whisker anywhere...

A new one this morning:

I think she is simply telling me that she's still around.

Curious, though!

I miss her soft fur, and her lovely pink ears, nose, and paw pads.
One of the last photos taken of Angel

What curious event has happened to you?  Tell us in the comments!

Jigsaw Puzzle


  1. angel; total lee awesum !!! we iz glad yur lettin mom noe ewe R still soooper cloze ♥♥♥♥♥

  2. That's a pretty special find and it's nice of sweet Angel to leave those for you.

  3. Aw. We know how you feel about this. We still find our precious Little Bit's fur here and there. So precious.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

  4. We so love that Angel continues to leave whiskers for yoo. When my older brofur Buddy passed at the age of 23, we heard his very distinctive yowl in the middle of the night. And Momma says she has seen her Angel kitties from the corner of her eye shortly after they passed. Also, the day Holly passed away, Buddy was seen crouching to look under the bed where she always lay. The fur was raised on the back of his neck.

  5. Yep Angel is telling you she popped in to see how things were going. Leaving her whisker as a love note. Every so often we find a Madi hair or whisker. 100% a sign.
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. She's totally still visiting you and hanging out! After Darcy passed away I found her whiskers everywhere. We knew they were hers because of the crazy length of them.

  7. That is so wonderful! We kept seeing our Scooter out of the corner of our eye for years after he passed. He was the only ginger cat we've ever had, so it wasn't like we were seeing someone else and mistaking them for him. I still miss my big ginger baby.

  8. I agree, Angel is letting you know she is watching over you.
    I sometimes see movement from the corner of my eye. At first I thought it was reflections on my glasses, but then it started happening when I wasn't wearing them. Other things have happened, the most recent being the pawprints across the blanket on the bed.

  9. I really do think it's Angel's way of telling you she's still around.

  10. Very curious (and heartwarming) that you're finding whiskers after all this time. I can't think of anything curious that's happened today, but we still have 8 hours remaining.

  11. Apparently she wasn't named "Angel" by accident...

  12. i think that is beautiful! love that she is sending you gifts!

  13. Awww, im glad you havethose whisker momentos.
    Iwas sent a list of voters addresses to use today , andoneof the addresses in Texas was onBurnham . My parents house just sold ON Burnham in Illinois. THere's something going on

  14. We think she is visiting you, too. What a perfect way of letting you know she's keeping watch.

  15. I agree she wants you to know she is still there. Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  16. That's a wonderful message of your sweet Angel👼✨Pawkisses for a magical day🐾😽💞

  17. Angel is surely saying she is still there and wants you to know. After both Inky and Buttons went OtRB Dad had cats walk across him at night and when he used his little flashlight we were all sound asleep. Yes our Angels are with us

  18. They always leave their reminders about...

  19. What a beauty. She must be terribly missed, indeed, and wants you to know she feels the same. ~hugs~

    I think the strangest thing that ever happened to my husband and I must have been the time we unexpectedly encountered loved ones at Disney World's Magic Kingdom. We only stopped at that park for the haunted mansion and neither we nor his brother's family even *knew* our coinciding vacation plans. That was wild.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....