Friday, November 13, 2020

Celebrating World Kindness Day

"World Kindness Day is to highlight good deeds in the community focusing on the positive power and the common thread of kindness which binds us. Kindness is a fundamental part of the human condition which bridges the divides of race, religion, politics, gender and zip codes." Wikipedia

Many may know this day as Mister Roger's Cardigan Day!

We've been through a lot this year, and we have more rough moments ahead.

Let's each do our part to sow seeds of kindness, by smiling at neighbors, phoning a friend, being patient on the road!

You know what to do!


For me, showing kindness is to show love, and I love our cats.

The green eyes of Pommy
Sweetie, with all of her expressions
Manny and Chili Bruce...or Chili Bruce and Manny, being lovebugs together

Jigsaw Puzzle

preview110pieceRapscallion Paddy


  1. World Kindness Day. I'm all in.

    Have a purrfect day and weekend. ♥

  2. happee day two ewe all ♥♥♥♥ :) =^..^=

  3. Vicki you have a huge kind heart and the Cats know!!! Cats flock around folks like you.
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. We definitely need more kindness in this world. And more people like Mr. Rogers (and his cardigan).

  5. I love seeing those dear faces. I wish I could smooch each one of them.

  6. Y'all have such sweet kitty faces and you can count us in on the kindness thing. I've probably told you this before but our Dad got to meet Fred Rogers once and said he really was a kind and caring human.

  7. I googled Fred Rogers because I hadn't heard of him. Your link goes to page not found. Happy Kindness Day.

    1. I fixed that link, thank you for letting me know!

  8. Mister Rogers was such a good hearted person. A great day indeed

  9. Oh CHILI BRUCE and POM! My faves but I love them all. I have a fun story. Our realtor office wanted to give 10 needing families a big Covid free Thanksgiving Dinner. I nominated a family I know that is amazing. The company immediately said they were taking care of them. The family is overjoyed. its fun to be a connector. Mister Rogers is adored by me. I have his coffee cup

  10. We all need to be kinder. Happy World Kindness Day!

  11. Very sweet post. Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  12. Happy World Kindness Day. I think America opted out.

  13. I can't get enough of seeing your darling kitties. :)


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