Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Thief Returns

Aries, is back to his old tricks...

...which means waiting for food in my yard!

Aries, our backyard neighbor's cat, all but disappeared this Winter.  But he's popped up like crocus shoots, and he's back to his old tricks!  He waits for Sweetie and Patty to finish their meals, then he licks up any leftovers.  Actually, if I'm not standing there, he'll walk up and try to bully them off of their bowls with growls and hisses!  The hubby and I keep an eye on things, making sure 'our' cats get enough and then whisking the bowls away so no other cat, skunk, raccoon, opossum, squirrel, stray dog, groundhog...well, you get the idea...gets a free handout from us by accident.  But, let's face it...cats are smart, and Aries is certainly a smooth character.  He's good at hiding behind trees, so when I scan the yard, I don't see him if I stand still.  I know he has a home; he isn't a lost waif desperate for food.  Last year, I tried distracting Aries by giving him little bits of kibble, but he's too bold and will meow and cry for more when I walk away.  So, no food for him...he'll just have to outwit me and grab some crumbs.  I am, however, glad to see him because he's an older boy and no one loves cats like I do...even a cat that lives with the neighbors!   


  1. All cats know a good thing when they see it!

  2. sneaky! cats are so clever. we had better be careful or they will take over and make us sleep with the doggies.

  3. It must have been very nice to see him back even though he steals food :-)

  4. free food....dood aries noes a good thing when he seez it !!

    sorree cafe iz at yur own houz frum now on ~~~

    heerz two a midshipman fish & marlin kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

  5. Aries must like what you serve for dinner. :)

  6. I was going to say the same thing as The Island Cats lol

  7. Aries is cute :) We had a neighbor's cat that used to come around looking for food- and now he is mine :) Don't worry, I didn't steal him- its a long story, but he was meant to be with us.

  8. Hey...fuuds are matter where they come from!

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