Wednesday, July 29, 2015

This is an outrage!

I cannot formulate words to describe my intense sadness, and violent anger towards the men who did this awful killing.

Chuck roars for Cecil!

Angel roars for Cecil!


  1. This man's unspeakable actions are sickening beyond words. The bile rises in my throat even as I write this.

    ~ William's mom.

  2. You and me both...all that dentist's backtracking won't bring Cecil back. A lot of future research info has now been lost. The dentist appears to have some other questionable hunting escapades, too.

  3. This is such a horrible, horrible thing that the monster did. I never understand those who would hunt innocent animals for pleasure. I strongly hope he will pay for what he did.

  4. guys....we heer ya.....we troo lee hope all the ********* involved are prosecuted two de fullest extent oh de law N then sum....& then sum mor..... & de good Lord hiz self sayz hay, ********* bak reel lee & troo lee izza ****** get reddy for yurz ya ******* ******* ******** ****** ** ****

  5. I know. It is reprehensible. He said he "didn't realize the Lion he TOOK was protected"....why was he hunting Lions to begin with? Protected or not?

  6. We are sick about Cecil. Hiss at that awful human!

  7. Our mom said we weren't allowed to say what we wanted to say about that terrible, selfish, bad man who lives to do horribly horrific things to other animals for some twisted, sick reason called "sport." So we'll just agree with you.

  8. Horrible man. Unfortunately, he is one of thousands who do this. There is no excuse. There is no reason, other than the stupid [for some]human urge to dominate and show off. And the canned hunts! And the maiming of tigers! Our mom is on a rant.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....