Tuesday, November 24, 2015

I won "Simon's Cat: Off to the Vet..."!

I won a copy of "Simon's Cat: Off to the Vet And Other Cat-astrophes" from Caren and Cody at Cat Chat with Caren and Cody, and was delighted when the book appeared in my mailbox. I've watched Simon Tofield's cartoons for ages now, and am tickled to own this book.  

Simon's cat manages to escape confinement, and wanders around the veterinarian's office, where he meets up with many new friends, including rabbits, frogs, hedgehogs, birds and of course other kitties.  Hilarity ensues! And the fun continues when Simon's cat is back home, sporting the dreaded cone-of-shame.  Pick up a copy for yourself, and you'll laugh too!  

Thank you, Caren and Cody!

For more Simon's Cat stuff, go here:

P.S. Sweetie showed up in mid-afternoon yesterday.  She appears in good health, so I'm thinking she was avoiding the slushy ice bombs that keep falling from the trees.  I got one down my neck last night, and I said some nasty words to the gods above!  Think of what it's like out there for a wee kitty!  Warmer temps in the coming days will hopefully end the barrage.


  1. sweetie.....we canna say we blame ewe for chillaxin outta site fora wee while...glad ewe R aye oh kay....& way awesum prize yur mom winned.....simon's cat iz total lee kewl .....we noe her will N joy de book ~~~ ♥♥♥

  2. Concatulations on your win! And we're glad she came back.

  3. so happy you like the book and I am even happier that Sweetie is home!

  4. Congrats on winning the book. We love Simon's Cat!

  5. Hooray on winning the book!
    Our Mom giggles whenever she watches Simon's Cat on youtube.
    the kitty brats
    ps-we are glad Sweetie showed up. ♥

  6. I am very happy that Sweetie showed up. Congratulations on winning Simon's Cat :)

  7. Many Congrats! We bet you'll love that book. Happy that Sweetie is back!

  8. Congrats on winning the book. It sound like a fun read.
    I'm so glad I don't live where you get slushy ice down your neck!

  9. How nice you won Simon's Cat book! That sounds very funny :-)

  10. Concats!

    We hope you had a happy Thanksgiving. We missed Mom while she was away but had fun with our Aunt M. Thanks for your lovely comment about my bro, too. Russell Bustle was truly a heart cat.

    Oh, and while Mom didn't encounter any bad weather in CA, she did get hit with flying seagull ****. She was not amused, although I don't know why not.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....