26 July, 2016

Minibar's Mom!

Jackson Galaxy, the self-proclaimed Cat Daddy, has a television show that airs on Animal Planet: see info here.  I have been a faithful viewer since the program began in 2011.  The premise: people have a cat whose behavior is making their human family crazy.  One early episode ("Wildcat! originally aired May 21, 2011) has always stuck out in my mind; that of kitten Minibar, who was too feral and unsocial for her owners, Carre and Brian.
Jackson in glasses, Carre and Brian.
Jackson Galaxy helped the couple find ways to encourage Minibar to come out from under the furniture, with play and better access to litter boxes.  By episode end, Carre and Minibar had truly bonded together, even after a chase through a studio full of wood, shelving and tools!

Imagine my surprise, while watching a brand new show this weekend (you see how I waste my time?) on the DYI Network, entitled "Sight Unseen".  A California couple of Carre' Calloway and Wes Borland purchase an old mansion in Detroit, Michigan without actually visiting it first, and the episodes follow them as they renovate a once luxurious home.  More info can be found here.
The mansion

Wes and Carre'
Imagine my surprise when I recognised Minibar's mom!  Yep, the Carre from 2011 and Carre' from 2016 are the same person!  And it turns out, Wes Borland is pretty famous for his guitar music with the band Limp Bizkit, and Carre' is Queen Kwong, an indie rock band.

The Hubby was fairly impressed that I had remembered her face after all this time, and research on the internet then gave me the answers, (and all of these photos!)  Cats were mentioned in an episode of "Sight Unseen" but no cats were actually on camera, darn it.  

So, how cool is this?  Well, I don't know how cool it is, but I do know that this couple is severely pro-animal, they like cats, and they like Detroit. Makes them A-OK in my book, since I've lived in Metro-Detroit for my whole life, I'm vegan, and you KNOW that I lurv my kitties!


  1. Oh, that's fascinating! It's very cool that you remembered.

  2. PS: did you ever watch Fixer Upper, with Chip & Joanna Gaines, Waco TX? It's pretty cool.

    1. Yes, there was a marathon of "Fixer Upper" on this weekend too...watched them until The Hubby finally cried UNCLE! Joanna is just a doll; Chip is a goofball, and the "Sight Unseen" eps seem to be using that same theme.

  3. I wonder where that house is. And what happened to Brian? And Minibar? Maybe they'll fill the new house with lots of cats!

    1. I think it's in the Boston-Edison district of Detroit

  4. Our mom was on some sight unseen kick some time ago. (She's been known to just up and move to places she's never been before.) Thankfully she no longer has the money for that kind of cat upset; plus, we've got this albatross of a condo we'd have to unload first.

    1. Maybe the real estate market will turn around soon, so you all can find a new place!

  5. That is so cool that you made that connection! I like Jackson Galaxy's show, too--just don't like the title "My Cat from Hell." I think it's the cat parents/owners who are usually the problem. I like fixer upper shows too. I can't do any of that remodeling myself, but I like watching others do it. I will have to look for this show.

    1. Tina, I dislike the name of the show too, but I guess stuff like that 'sells' on TV. I too don't do any remodeling...just watch others...

  6. I am impressed that you remembered them from 5 years ago. Good to know they are pro animal.

    1. She has a distinctive look, is all I can say, and it was an early show which I've watched in reruns multiple times.

  7. Wow, you have a great memory for faces.

    1. Comes from years of watching favorite TV shows, then seeing an actor in another show and I remember them. Did I mention that I watch a lot of TV if given the chance?

  8. Wow, you have a really good memory! Minibar is very cute. Wonder how she is doing now :-)

    1. I too would love to know how Minibar is! Did she stay with Brian, or move to Detroit? Inquiring minds want to know!


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....