Friday, August 26, 2016

Cat Health News

Angel gives me the stink eye!
The vet said that Angel's urine had bacteria, white blood cells and all kinds of riff-raff that shouldn't be in there.  Namely: a bladder infection.  She received a shot of Convenia, plus some holistic capsules that improve bladder health.

"Mama, let's go HOME!"
When we see our holistic veterinarian in a few weeks, we'll zero in again on Angelova's overall health, to see what we can do to get her into optimal ranges.

On the Chuck side of life, look at what I found when I got home yesterday, before Angel's vet appointment:

Wooly migration!
Chuck was herding my woolies again!  Well, just one wooly, but that's one more than any in a long time.  The Hubby and I take this as a good sign, and think that perhaps Chuck is feeling a little bit better.  We are now orchestrating meals with all of the holistic vitamins carefully crushed up and mixed in, and perhaps they are beginning to work for Chuck.  

P.S. Please visit Four White Paws blog and leave a note; their dear kitty Buddy left for the Rainbow Bridge.


  1. Poor Angel! We're glad it's nothing more serious, though. We're sure she'll forgive all involved with the vet visit in no time. Excellent news about Chucky's sock activity!!

    {Off to FWP}

  2. Ouch. Poor girl. We hope that medicine knocks it out quickly. And concatulations on the woolies! It's always heart warming to see signs our furry folks are enjoying life.

  3. Sending purrs for sweet Angel and to Chuck!

  4. I'm sorry you have an infection, Angel, and I hope the antibiotic and capsules clear it right up! Convenia worked really fast on our Wa when she had bladder infections. I'm glad Chuck is looking like he's feeling better. Purrs and prayers for both kitties!

  5. sendin best oh fishes two ewe angel long with sum blessingz frum R pal frank...we hope ya get rid oh de nastee infectshunz quik like & yur bak ta 100000 purrcent veree soon

    heerz two a barbel~~less catfish kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

  6. I hope Angel feels better soon. I am glad Chuck is playing with your socks again. I read about poor Buddy, very sad.

  7. poor Angel, me, the human, gets those too, no fun!!!! Glad Chuck is doing better. Yes, we had already left a comment about Buddy, we have the sads catchatwithcarenandcody

  8. Oh Angel, I hope you will recover quickly!
    Such a great news about Chuck. Lovely to see migrating wooly :-)

  9. Good mews bad mews, it's never all purrfect. But, we're purrayin' fur both Angel and Chucky to be all better soon.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena


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