Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Cat Crack

 The Island Cats mentioned that BFF cat food is like crack for cats!  And how right they are!
Angel and Chuck do NOT want anymore Salmon and Green Pea; they want CRACK!

"Crack too"
Again, to keep from being dependent on one food, I've found Evanger's Goin' Fishin', and looky; it comes in BIG CANS!  The price point is better, plus there is enough food for all four cats, with no leftovers to put into the refrigerator.  Angel and Chuck LURV this stuff too, so I am glad to have found two kinds of cat crack for their enjoyment.  Making sure Chucky eats enough is of primary concern. If I can keep him fed without emptying my pockets of green papers, then it's a thumbs-up all around.  

And I have a question for my fellow bloggers: how do I link my blog with my Eastside Cats page in Facebook?  Any ideas are welcomed, and thank you.

Disclaimer:  I use the term 'crack' as a humorous attempt to describe what all humans who are owned by cats go through with food.  Anyone in the real world who is touched by this drug and it's addiction know is not a laughing matter.  In Metro Detroit, there is a restaurant that offers 'Crack Fries' on it's menu, and folks have gotten upset with the inference.  People who eat the dish admit that the taste is addicting, but in a good way.    


  1. We have a supplier of Gerbers from Stateside, and various packages of kitty drugs arrive in the post - but yes, we understand crack is not always crackingly funny!
    As for blog to facebook, Äiti signed up to ifttt.com and it seems to work okay and posts to fb immediately the blog is up. Easy.

    1. We haven't tried Gerbers babyfood yet, but I hear that cats go wild for it. I'll check out ifttt.com, thanks!

  2. Meh. Don't worry about the crack reference. Good luck with the kittehs continuing their love of this food.

    1. And of course, Chucky decided to only nibble yesterday...sheesh!

  3. We joke that the candy bar Kit Kat should be Kit Crack because you want more and more! Those foods look good, but we now need to limit our fish foods because we're trying to see if Lucy has a food allergy.

    1. We will never be sure if Chuck has a food allergy, but putting him on Limited Ingredient Venison & Green Pea seemed to ease his symptoms. Venison was a novel protein at that time, since we'd been feeding his chicken, turkey, and anything else but beef.

  4. I don't think we have that in France.

    1. I am sure that you have many tasty cat foods in France, Frimousse!

  5. We're glad you like your food ! It sounds yummy !

  6. Glad you were able to find somethin' all da kitties could eat. Dat's always a good thing. As fur Facebook, you should be able to do dat from your admin. page. We don't have google so we don't know exactly what it's called. But there should be a "sharing" option where you can link up facebook, twitter, pinterest, etc. Good luck and big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

    1. I've got some new ideas about the blogger/FB links...thanks!

  7. BFF is crack for cats! But in a good way. As far as linking your blog to FB, we use Network blogs and it automatically posts our blog posts to FB.

    (pee ess...we're not fans of Evangers, but if Angel and Chuck love it, that's great.)

    1. Is there something about Evangers that I need to know?

  8. I would stick to the fish flavors of evangers.. they just had a major issue with their beef..

    you are on blogspot.. in the dashboard where you are writing up your post in blogger you should see a link icon. It will ask you for the link and then what text you want to use for the link.. http://www.dummies.com/education/internet-basics/how-to-use-blogger-to-add-a-link-to-your-blog/

    1. Thanks for the Evangers advice, and for the link!

  9. I am glad you found some good choices for your kitties to indulge in.

    1. You know I try to spoil my kitties rotten, Ellen!

  10. Replies
    1. Welcome! It's cold in Michigan, but we'll make sure all of you get a warm beddy!

  11. I like the illustration on the second can!

    1. Yep, I too am a sucker for a kitten wearing a bow!

  12. I remember when I was growing up (mid 1960's to mid 1980's) our two cats had A&P brand cat food. They both lived to be in their late teens. I know I struggled with my two cats to find food they would eat consistently. We are THEIR slaves that's for sure!

    1. A&P! I haven't heard that grocery store name in a bazillion years! We had one down the street, and we used to see Gordie Howe (NHL legend) shopping with his wife there.

  13. Glad you have found food that they like and by different brands!

    1. The Hubby doesn't know it yet, but there is a shipment arriving at home today with cases of the stuff.

  14. http://truthaboutpetfood.com/evangers-pet-food-troubles/
    Why I will not feed my pets this brand.

  15. Never tried BFF...but I just may have to get some if it's that good!

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....