Friday, November 17, 2017

Friendly Fill-Ins

This is my first Friendly Fill-ins!  Visit 15 And Meowing and McGuffy's Reader!

1. I can’t wait to eat Tofurkey on Thanksgiving.  It's the only time I get some.

2. My favorite kind of pie is none.  Never liked pie, but once I had a pear pie with glorious vanilla ice cream, and it was wonderful.

3. This year, I am particularly thankful for being gainfully employed.  'Nuff said.

4. A funny holiday tradition in my/our house is "Bring Out The Joint!".  Okay,'s the story.  Back in the day, when hippies and psychedelic stuff were the norm, at one family gathering my father clapped his hands and said, "Bring Out The Joint!"  He meant the words as some old-timey Elizabethan-like usage of 'joint' as a big chunk of meat, but many of us young-uns thought about roach clips, bongs, and eating Fritos...if you know what I mean.  We kidded him about that for years, until his death in 2004, and we still giggle about it now.  Love ya, Puba...we miss you terribly.

Wanted to share a photo of sweet Bobo, who graces the abode of The B Family.  She is lusciously black, except for white toes on her back feet.  She is quite the cutie, with tons of purrsonality, and doesn't mind when the grandbaby is around.  It was very difficult to leave, without stuffing Bobo in my tote bag to carry away!


  1. BoBo sure is cute and a gorgeous cat too. Hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. MOLMOL Bring out the crack us up.
    Bobo is a most gorgeous lady with beautiful white back slippers
    Hugs madi your bfff

  3. Hahaha, funny story. She's a really cute kitty.

  4. Welcome to the fill-ins! I am so happy to see you join and I love your answers. That is a fun story about the "joint". Bobo is adorable. Have a nice weekend! XO

  5. Bobo is adorable. But we really POM would be very upset by yet another feline taking your attention. PS: ever had pie with graham cracker crust? Totally awesome.

  6. Bring out the joint! Oh. My. Gosh. That is hilarious. I can see how that would become family legend. Thank you for sharing it. And, thanks for joining us for the fill-ins. Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. I'm hoping we have pumpkin pie because there is usually whipped cream around!

  8. Whaaat, how can you not like pie? I loooove them :-) Your dad left his family such wonderful and fun memories. Thank you for sharing the story! Bobo is such a gorgeous kitty!

  9. MY British friend once said she was buying the joint and we were in the grocery store! Her laughter at my misunderstanding was a LOT!

  10. Tofurkey! I've never had that before... and I'm a vegetarian! :D I'll have to give it a try. Love the memory of your dad too :)

  11. Adorable kitty toes. It's ironic that working can be a pain, but you hate being without a job!

  12. We love your fill-ins, especially our Mom who isn't a pie fan at all, either. Adorable toesies on that adorable kitty!

  13. Love the joint story!! And love that kitty's little white toes!

  14. Never tried tofurkey, but I suppose I should since I'm a veggie. And you don't like pie! Gasp!


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