Friday, November 03, 2017

Cats Are Aliens...Don't Read This Post, Cat Chat!

Cat Chat With Caren And Cody was concerned when I showed off The Cat Car's Meow magnet after my Mee-owww! post two weeks ago.  There was worry that I would begin to cover my vehicle with all manner of 'crazy cat person' items, making me a target of foolish people as I maneuver 'round the streets of Metro Detroit.

Cool, man!


Cats are from outer space, after all!
So, here is my warning...more magnets have already been purchased!  The peace sign was The Hubby's idea; he ALWAYS kids me about being a 'hippie-wannabe'.  He, of course, was the real deal, such as not wearing shoes for an entire summer!

And, if you know me at all, you know that I believe that cats are from outer space, 'cause that's the ONLY way to explain what they do.  I also have a bumper sticker that reads: "Wear Your Seatbelt!  It Makes it Harder for the Aliens to Suck You Out of Your Car!", which was purchased in Roswell, New Mexico.  Yes, I visited the very epicenter of UFO/alien phenomena.

Aliens and Cats...they are the same thing, in my book

P.S. I am just kidding, Caren and Cody!


  1. guyz, how total lee kewl yur mom getted ta see that big mountin N we hope her got two play de ...pea an noe.... with that way kewl... tell they ale ee endz they iz welcome song...

    1 ♫ 2 ♪ 3 ♫ 4♪

  2. MOL! We love the alien cat sticker, and think you definitely need more!

  3. Kittehs are definitely not of this earth, that's fur sure.

  4. Everyone needs more stickers and magnets, the cars today all look alike.

  5. Hahahaha. Some people pimp their rides ... others decorate them! I'm wondering if maybe the cat stickers will cause people to give you extra room?!? You need one of those Garfield plush with suction cups for your back window ;) Did ever see "The Cat from Outer Space," ( I confess that I loved the movie!

  6. I have always believed cats are from outer space. I sometime feel I am too!

  7. The only alien I didn't like was the Halloween visitor!

  8. Our mom now has two cat magnets on her car. Now she's thinking of getting paw prints!

  9. We love these! 'Specially Alien Kitty!!

  10. WE loved the old movie The Cat From Outer Space, starring an Abyssinian!

    The Chans

  11. Are you trying to tell me that cats are NOT aliens?!?!

  12. Cool stickers! I have one that says If you don't talk to your cat about catnip, who will? I get a lot of comments :)

  13. Hahaha I do think kitty tummy is supernaturally gorgeous! It makes sense if they are from outer space :-) :-)

  14. Saw what you said about clean laundry that needs furring and wrinkling in another bloggie. I LOVE sheet changing day as any normal cat does. Glad all our furriends agree.

  15. The more cat stickers and magnets the better, is what we say!

  16. Great stickers and magnets! Especially love the Alein Kitty one.
    Take care.

  17. Ha!! You are certifiable!!! Ready for this? I just leased a new Honda Fit (silver) and I have the Detroit Lions logo on each side and some Lions stuff on the back (Lions COUNT because they are in the CAT FAMILY!!) I hated turning in my blue Fit, I loved it and this one was too boring.......sooo...I jazzed it up! I LOVE stickers! Just not covering the entire car!! lmao! (((hugs))) catchatwithcarenandcody

  18. Those are really cool stickers and magnets ! Purrs

  19. Mom says the stickers and magnets should be saved for the fridge and not the car. To each their own, I suppose. Happy Sunday to you!

  20. Thanks for the giggles! I love the alien kitty magnet and also the one you described about wearing your seatbelt - hysterical!

  21. Cats are scary smart...maybe they are the descendants of aliens! Love that "seat belt" bumpersticker. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  22. Oh, I love Alien Kitty! And the seat belt sticker is too funny!

  23. The alien sticker is just perfect. Maybe cats are aliens and just came to train all humans. You all have a great day.

  24. I'm certainly not an alien. TW says many many years ago, there was a UFO sighting in a part in the next town. Every year on the same day, there would be sightings. Love the peace magnet.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....