Saturday, November 25, 2017

Kit Kat From Japan

My nephew treated the family for Thanksgiving this Thursday: Matcha Green Tea flavored chocolate Kit Kat bars, from Japan!

Actual product box
They taste like white chocolate to me; sweet, but really no discernable green tea taste.  But how fun! 

Kit Kats are popular in Japan, due to their name being close to "Kitto Katsu' in Japanese.  So, Kit Kat bars are considered a kind of lucky charm, supposedly.

Um...who wouldn't want to munch a yummy chocolate candy bar, and wouldn't you feel lucky to be eating one?

And I feel VERY lucky to have my family and friends, both in person and online.  You all are the best!


  1. Those look fun. I love the ones at Halloween that are orange, but taste like white chocolate.

  2. Lots of people think my Dad just saves cats. His other objective is to free the world of any unwanted chocolate MOL!

  3. That's so fun...and they sound yummy too! (Trivia: one of the names I considered for Mudpie was Kit Kat!)

  4. Yum! I love Kit Kat. There are many different flavors including limited editions in Japan. My favorite is sweet potato flavor :-)

  5. Kit Kats are TW's fave chocolate bars. She just bought some Matcha tea to try it cos it's supposed to have all kinds of health benefits. I guess that makes it healthy candy.

  6. There are actually 26 varieties of Kit-Kat in Japan, including some regional ones. They even have KitKat specialty stores! On her latest trip there, #1 bought some sake-flavoured Kit-Kats!

    The Chans

  7. I'll test them for you...give my considered opinion.

  8. Those look interesting. But we think we'd prefer the ones here. :)

  9. Other than green M&Ms I can't think of another green candy.

  10. While I prefer traditional Kit Kats, it's cool that there are other versions worldwide. We are thankful for our cat blogging friends.

  11. ps- thanks for the link- who knew so many cats got stuck in trees! Amarula got down on her own safely!

  12. MOL! Petcretary puts Matcha Tea powder in her smoothie evfurry morning. She thinks that your version might just be a wee bit tastier!!

    You can get Matcha tea at some of the Meijer stores now. Lipton is one brand. Nothing like the real thing though...oops, we thought Coca Cola was the real thing!! MOL! You can also find tea bags with Matcha in them at health stores, but the real way to make it is from the powder dissolved in hot water.

  13. Ohhhhh yummmers! Mom loves anything with chocolate in it....
    Hugs madi your bfff

  14. It's so interesting to see different items from around the world!

  15. If I remember correctly, my husband loves these. So many interesting matcha flavoured chocolates and candy's though, so can't remember which ones he likes best!

    Just wanted to leave a comment to say, I've featured you in my Pet Blogger Spotlight Award this month! Was a bit on the fence about doing it so close to Chuck's passing, but the posts you've written up related to his passing touched me so much I felt I needed to draw some attention to them. Here's the award post:

    Hope your family and especially Angel is doing well! xoxo


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....