11 November, 2019

Monday O'Malley

The PO'M and I had a snuggle session yesterday.
He snoopervised my winterization of the feeding station!
"Looks good, but come closer to pet me some more!"
This morning, we have snow, but The 'O' Cats ate in relative comfort.
The feeding station is made of up an old card table, on top of a wooden picnic table.  We were feeding up to five cats in the early days, so the openness made sense.  Now, with only two cats, I've chosen to make a winter barrier on three sides from leftover foam core and zipties.  I didn't want the barriers to flap in a breeze, like a tarp would.  In the spring, we'll build a new station, with easy barrier set-up, and it will look a trifle better than my cobbled-together one!

Happy Veteran's Day!

Image found on the interwebs


  1. Bless you for making a place that's out of the weather and a good place for outside kitties to eat. Just bless you.

    Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

  2. Paddy is such a cool dude, and I hope the cool weather isn't too cold and brutal. Thanks to our Veterans, heroes one and all, we appreciate you!

  3. I love P O'M day. What a wonderful feeding station they have too. You are a most kind cat lady.
    Hugs cecilia

  4. good job getting it all done with all that the snow we are having today! Be careful out there!

  5. You are so good to those kitties!!!! Thank you !

  6. I can only imagine how much your outdoor kitties appreciate everything you do for them!

  7. It may be cobbled together but it is a palace to them.

  8. That's a great feeding station, those kitties are lucky. Purrs

  9. After a day like today, we bet PO'M is grateful that you got the feeding station winterized.

  10. Thank you from my heart for loving them. XXXX

  11. You can tell they are so grateful for that station!

  12. The term 'snoopervised' cracked me up. And I'm going to end this comment now because I'm under the same demands. ~grin~ Be well!

  13. FABulous job snoopervisin'! You gots to keep an eye on the peeps to make sure things are done right! By the looks of it, it sure was! Good job!
    Ruby ♥

  14. The feeding station looks so cozy for the cats! <3

  15. That is a very thoughtful shelter, the PO'M is looking cuddly cute as usual.

  16. That's a very nice feeding station for them!


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....