Thursday, November 21, 2019

Thankful Thursday

The Hubby snuck this note into my lunchbox!
Isn't that sweet?
Yesterday was our 26th wedding anniversary.

I cannot begin to express what this man means to me, and how very lucky I am that we found each other.

And when I wanted to become a cat lady, he wanted to be a cat man!

The Hubby and Chuck

So very thankful for The Hubby!


Let's Hop!

Click here to join the Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


  1. Aw, what a wonderful thankful. Happy Anniversary to you both.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

  2. Such a sweet CatGuy! Happy Anniversary from all of us, that's a most wonderful thankful. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

    Hey, I know you saw this, but there is a world-wide problem with the LinkyTools product so everyone is having problems linking up today. Sorry for the inconvenience, it should be fixed later today, they are working on it, so they say.

  3. Happy 26th anniversary to you and Bob.
    Thanks for your note on my blog. I could not get today's comment box to come up. Thankfully it is here now!!!

  4. What a nice happy family. Happy anniversary.

  5. So sweet! I'm so happy for you!
    Happy Anniversary!!!

  6. Awesome! My husband and I met in 1989 and there has been no other for me, since. With the weird issues we've faced this year, I'm more and more grateful for him. Be well, my dear.

  7. That is just wonderful. Happy anniversary to you both!

  8. Oh - 26 years ! (Concatulations!) We thought maybe he met 26 more cats !

  9. Congratulations. You have been married one year longer than my parents.

  10. Happy Anniversary!!! He is a keeper for sure!

  11. That is one great guy but we know you are a great gal. You both love cats so we know we are right. Purrs to you all

  12. Happy wedding anniversary! That note is just soooo sweet! You are really lucky to have found each other :-) I wish you many more happy years together!

  13. That is SOOOOOO sweet! Congratulations on 26 years and I hope you enjoy 26+ many, many more.

  14. Happy Anniversary! He's excelled as a cat daddy if he can routinely tell the difference between The Boyz!

  15. Hurrah! Twenty-six! Now, that's a success story (and the cats make it more so!)

  16. Congrats! And happy anniversary! :)


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