Thursday, July 23, 2020

It's Not All About Cats...

Today, I am thankful that my neighborhood has such wonderful items to keep me entertained!

And it's not always cats...

 A Little Library, shaped like a British Call Box!
This is a Tardis Little Library, from the Dr. Who series.
Who knew there were deer in downtown?
Some sort of beetle, making its way on the sidewalk.
The Hubby and I pick mulberries from several trees growing around town...YUMMY! 

This gorgeous kitty enjoys some attention!

Jigsaw Puzzle


  1. Those are some amazing Little Libraries!

  2. Love the library boxes!!!
    The berries look yummy and the kitty is gorgeous!
    Purrs, Georgia and Julie

  3. Those were sure fun things to see and I'll bet those berries were good, they sure look great. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. Love the neighborhood libraries. So cute. I knew there would be a cat though. You have to have at least one cat.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

  5. What creative little libraries! I LOVE Dr. Who! My husband was talking about mulberries the other day, I have never had one, they don't grow where I have lived and they are not in the stores - I'm going to have to find a source and give one a try, they look good.

  6. I agree what a cre8tive idea for neighborhood pop up libraries!!.
    We are having black berries and peaches for lunch
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Those libraries are so cool!

    And nice kitty as well :)

  8. the libraries are very clever !!!! we have a similar library for kids in the lobby where I work; there are several about town but none this awesome :) ♥♥

  9. LOVE LOVE the libraries! And that's not a June Bug is it? That black kitty is totally gorgeous! Healthy looking too. Katie will try looking him up in the phone book. (cats have one, you know).

  10. Oh Mulberries look yummy.
    I had my two black cats, sitting together on a porch chair. It is not Chili Bruce, but I love the picture and will share it. . It reminded me of your two tuesdays.

  11. I love those little libraries! The mulberries look very similar to the blackberries that grow wild here.

  12. Those libraries are so cute. We have a couple of them around here, but not as clever as yours.

  13. Oh my whiskers, you have some cool stuff in your neighborhood!
    Purrs & Head Bonks,

  14. I love the TARDIS! I have wanted a TARDIS garden shed for years. Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  15. I don't think I've ever tasted a mulberry. They look like blackberries, which I have tasted. The little libraries have lights inside them...

  16. These little cute things make our lives enjoyable!

  17. What a wonderful collection of delightful things, but the little libraries are the best.

  18. I love the little libraries. My favourite is the tardis ♥

  19. My old hometown of Medina, Ohio is overrun with deer. Be safe driving! :) And now I crave fresh berries. Aren't they the best?


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....