Wednesday, February 17, 2021

The Score


After my private cat-pilling tutorial at the veterinarian's office last week, I've managed to get a capsule of antibiotic into Sweetie once daily.

It's not pretty, but the job gets done!
Sweetie: "Oh no, here she comes again!"
"Well, that wasn't too bad!"
"Maybe I'll give that lady a headbunt!"
Lady: "💞💓💞💕!!!"
Sweetie's bloodwork indicates a slight kidney issue.
We go back to the vet in a week, and we will discuss the next steps for that.


  1. I am glad the pilling is successful and she obviously doesn't bear a grudge. They are so forgiving like that. It is good that the kidney problem has been caught at an early stage.

  2. Congrats on getting that pill down. I don't mind pills and neither does Dolly or Seal, Simon, well, that's another story! Way to go Sweetie!!!

  3. I think they know we're trying to help them, but they don't make it easy do they. No they don't.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to Sweetie. ♥

  4. Oh dear me my mind's eye vividly recalls the time we two fully grown adults tried to give 9lb Madi. I know all about not being pretty. She turned into the Incredible a NY second
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. What a good and brave Mom you have Sweetie!

  6. sweetie; we haz been off de grid fora few; sorree ta lurn bout de hole vet biznezz; we send az all wayz; st francis' blessingz two ewe ♥♥♥

  7. Aww.. Sweetie, hope you are feeling better soon xx

  8. Hope the issue is indeed a small one.


  9. The mom is an expert at pilling...let her know if you need any tips. ~Ernie

  10. If I had someone to assist here at home, I would get a tutorial as well and try pilling Katie.

  11. Paws up for the good pilling work! And paws crossed for a good treatment regimen for Sweetie's kidney issues. Binga lived for many years with compromised kidneys, and it was not what caused her to pass away.

  12. That is excellent! We hope Sweetie's problem clears up with the meds.

  13. Glad you have been able to pill her. Fluids may not be so easy, but maybe she will be wiling to eat the food for kidneys. XO

  14. You are a good kitty to take your medicine. We are saying a prayer for you.

  15. Pilling is NOT fun...for the cat or the Peep! You are a terrific cat Sweetie! Have a marvellously AWESOME day!

  16. YAY! Good job! Ma says it must be LOTS more difficult pilling a kitteh than a doggie! It gets easier for both of you the more you do it.
    Gets better my furiend!
    Ruby ♥

  17. That is really super. Wonderful in fact. You go Mom and Sweetie

  18. Way to go! Sometimes you need to use tough love.

  19. Yay, go you! I'm glad you're able to pull Sweetie.


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