Monday, April 12, 2021

Send In The Clown


Is this cat the silliest cat EVER?!?

 Today is The Hubby's birthday; he prefers to celebrate very, very wouldn't even know it was his special day!

We both get our 2nd Pfizer vaccine shot on Thursday, so I've taken the day off so we can recover, or travel around, and just be lazy.

Having internet is great!


  1. Glad your internet is up and running. Paddy, you're a hoot and we love you to pieces. Hooray for getting that 2nd shot, we finished ours a month ago this week.

  2. Oh Paddy, that is a silly face! Happy birthday to your hubby.
    I am glad your internet is running well.

  3. Paddy, you look like a very happy cat who knows he is loved!!
    Happy Birthday to the hubby!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Yay for the vaccine too.
    Purrs, Julie

  4. Being a clown is a good thing. They are the life of the party.

    Happy birthday to your husband. We're low key around here for our birthdays too.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  5. What a goofball he is! Best wishes that you don't have any side effects!

  6. Happy birthday to the Hubby (a day late). Low key is best, I think.

    I love that second picture of the PO'M. He looks almost dreamily contented, smiling at some secret...


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....