Tuesday, April 27, 2021

PO'M Week: Day 2

Tuesday: Proof that The PO'M doesn't want to come inside yet.

 He used to step in a few feet, but nowadays, if I open any door to him, he runs off.

As if that will deter my intention to coax him inside!

Sad news - Pip from Catscue Blog, has flown off to The Rainbow Bridge.
Click on Pip's photo above to leave encouraging words; this was unexpected.


  1. I had a male cat once that hated being indoors for long. He wanted to prowl the neighborhood. We let him. She was stubborn too.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  2. So, Sweetie hasn't had a word with him yet about life indoors?

    Tama and Benny

  3. Come on Paddy, if Sweetie can do it so can you!

  4. Paddy dude, you should come in and join Sweetie and get happified!

  5. PO'M is such a handsome boy. He looks like a peeping Tom in 2 of the photos. :) XO

  6. He's much happier outside...where he can do as he pleases. :)

  7. We guess Paddy is just a wandering boy!

    We visited Pip's family. Poor little kidlet.

  8. You'll change your mind one day, PO'M...

  9. Some of us are meant to run free. I am sure he will come in soon, especially if it gets wet out. We are sorry to learn about Pips.

  10. PO'M, you are so broad chested! What a bruiser of a boy you appear to be. I know you smell your mom in there when the door is open. Could the scents of the other cats be a deterrent?

  11. I will go over and see Pip's mom. What a hard and sad thing to happen.

  12. Maybe as he gets older...
    Someday I hope he realizes the indoors is pawsome.
    I know,I did it!!!
    Off to visit Pip's mum.
    Purrs, Julie

  13. POM! You know, staying away from the allure of the door does not make it go away, the pull gets stronger! We were so furry sad to read about brave little Pip. We grieve for his peeps.

  14. I hope he agrees to go inside sooner rather than later. ~hugs~ Pip's loss made me cry. What a tragic event.

  15. We stopped by to give our condolences on dear Pip. So sad. We think Paddy will come in when he sows a few more oats. He is such a sweet fellow

  16. I guess he knows what he wants...and what he doesn't want.


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