13 September, 2023

Trip UP

It's Sweetnesday!

In May, while ascending the stairs with both hands full of Sweetie's breakfast and bowls, I managed to hook my left big toe in the billowy fabric of my right pajama bottom.

As I fell forward, desperately trying to keep all cat food contained, the strain on my toe was extreme.

I had a purple toe for many weeks, and pain.

Was chuffed that I hadn't spilled anything!

Now, in September, the toe still aches.

I bit the bullet, and saw a doctor last week.

He said, "See that extra piece there?  Well, it's not supposed to be there!"

Yup, I'd broken my toe, and nope, nothing to do about it.

The doc said come back if it still hurts in a year, as that is how long this type of thing takes to heal.

If I'd splashed that gushy, smelly stuff all over the staircase, Sweetie would have been upset with having to wait until after the clean-up for noms.

What's a broken toe when her schedule must be maintained?  
Queen Sweet the First: "Harrumph!  Such histrionics, servant.  Allow me to show you how much I appreciate your sacrifice on...my...be...half....Zzzz...zzzz....zzzz..."

And how many folks trip going UP the stairs?

I have talent!
It has been mentioned by a certain somebody that these pajamas are DANGEROUS and should be binned immediately.

But looky, they are my favorite flannel pair, and there are Meowy Catmas Cats.

Perhaps I'll add elastic to keep them from being so billowy.

Sweetie says: "Zzz..zzz...zzzz..."


  1. That WAS quite a feat, breaking a toe while ascending, but the important thing is, as you rightly deduced, no cat-food was spilled.

  2. Well done on keeping Sweetie's food upright and not spilling it. I hope you don't have too much pain while your toe heals.

  3. Yikes on that toe, but what we do to keep our babies happy is often very dangerous to us. You proved that. I hope it heals sooner rather than later.

    Have a fabulous day. Healing hug to you and lots of scritches to the kitties. ♥

  4. Oh, you poor dear. Can you imagine the horror if you'd fallen on one of your precious charges? I hate stepping on tails or booting one of our babies in the belly. ~shudder~ To be honest, my husband and I kind of imagine tripping over a kitty and head planting into the kitchen's stone flooring or granite countertop as our ending. lol What about shortening the pants legs? I find what my mother's generation called 'pedal pushers' to be quite comfortable.

    1. Can still hear the yell that Celestial Chuck made when I stepped on his tail almost 20 years ago; went like a knife through my heart!

    2. Awww... It's easy to make such a misstep when pets are so trusting; what a mixed blessing.

  5. We women tend to try to minimize such things re: spilling and so on only to hurt ourselves while attempting it.

    1. I would have won Gold at the Stair Tripping Olympics, however.

  6. Our huMom has broken toes and after a couple trips to the ER (right when it happened) she found out that what they do is wrap the broken toe to the one next to it with adhesive tape and that is pretty much it, so she has just done that ever since. (Might be different with a big toe, she says, which is more like a thumb...)

  7. We have know problem fall up the stairs here, but we've not needed a toe truck OUCH!

  8. Bravo on not spilling Queen Sweet's food, but that's quite the price. We hope it starts feeling a little better soon. XO

    1. Thank you; The Hubby suggests that I put a wrap on the toe.

  9. I did a similar thing at work once...holding two Styrofoam glasses of ice water...and I tripped...'danced' across the whole room, and crashed in the doorway...on both knees, not a drop spilled. let alone putting hands through the styrofoam...but yikes were my knees blue for days afterwards...and the ladies in the room giggled like it had been a comedy show. At least someone was happy...

    Hope your toe heals up without too much pain...

    At first when I read your post title, I thought you were going to tell us that you were going on a trip to the UP...LOL, LOL!

    1. There aren't too many folks who this Upper Peninsula when UP is written! I would love to visit up there; hopefully soon. It's been about 3 years since I was last in the UP. And I thought I should score extra points for falling forward...hahaha! Lucky for me, no one saw, as your co-workers did, and the kidding...

  10. Oh, ouch! I've tripped up the stairs a couple of times, it does happen.

    I pray your toe heals with no troubles.


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