29 November, 2023

Just Don't!

It's Sweetnesday, but Queen Swee Wee isn't always the most photogenic when she's in a mood: 
Doesn't like when her human cat bed moves or speaks.
Just plain NOPE!
Having a bit of a difficult time getting her to eat in the past few days.

However, I mix her appetite stimulant into her food, and if she won't eat her meal...well, that's the conundrum.

The Hubby and I plan to carefully catalog what canned food she eats or turns away from, so I don't keep giving her what she doesn't like.

Despite this little set-back, we are very stubborn and will get yummy gushy 'fud' into our little old lady kitty!

And today, with it's 10 degree F windchill, makes me so very glad that she's asleep in her heated Sweetie Spa, with sunshine pouring in the window.

She'll never have to brave bad weather again.




  1. Eat up, Sweetie. It is more important to be well-bed than well-bread!

    The Chans

  2. I so remember this. I know you're stubborn though. You'll figure it out.

    We just went through a handful of days of freezing weather. Our Lil' Bit was inside and warm.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

  3. Just Don't: Give up ... she'll come 'round.

  4. Dearest Eastside Cats,
    Well, we lived through a lot of that with our Dido boy until he gave up completely on eating... Tough for any kitty parent.
    We love them and want the very best for them all the time!
    Thanks for your comment.

  5. Sweet Sweetie...please. Be a good girl and try! Ask you Mom if you would like Fancy Feast Savory Salmon Pate. ALL of my cats have always come racing into the kitchen when they smell that!

  6. I'm with Ruby Rose. ~hugs~ Your captions made me giggle.

  7. We are sending Sweetie purrayers and POTP that she starts eating...maybe th extreme cold we are getting (here in NE Ohio too) is making her want to snuggle more and eat less.

  8. I will add her to my prayer list. I hope she eats more. XO

  9. Okay Sweetie, eat your foods, it's mighty important.

  10. Well, I made it though the captcha today! When each of mine through last year and this horrible year would not eat for many different reasons--fever, pain, nausea, anemia--I had Mirataz, the transdermal form of the appetite stimulant Mirtazapine that you swipe inside their ear. I know she's probably fussy about her ears, but I've actually used it on ferals in a trap in the past and even though I couldn't rub it in, they still got enough of a dose. I think it's part of what saved Mr. Sunshine's life last year when he had his spiking fevers and abdominal pain. Mimi of all of them is doing well enough to send some small former outdoor kitty and mom cat housepanther energy Sweetie's way to convince her to eat.

  11. Grumpy or not, she's beautiful and I'm also glad for her she's indoors.

  12. Sweetie is beautiful, even if she is in a mood. We do hope she feels more like eating real soon. XO

  13. Some days we just don't feel like being photographed. Maybe I missed it, but have you tried sprinkling Forti-Flora on her food? Mine all love their "sprinkles".

  14. Oh, I know well the reluctance to eat. What an anxious time for loving humans. The best of luck finding the right food.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....