20 November, 2023

November Blur

It's PO'Monday!

November, 2014

Poor photography skills on show, yet we think you still get the idea that there was some lovin' going on.
Paddy O'Malley: "Och, ya daftie, where'r me ears?"
20 November, 2017

Celestial Chucky flew off over The Rainbow Bridge.

Dude, we miss you, and know that your brofurs Manny and Chili Bruce have kept up with your manly housepanthery shenanigans.


  1. Photos don't have to be purrfect to show the love.

  2. Those photos look pretty perfect to me! Any photo with PO'M is perfect.

  3. Pom, I will always love you and I am sitting here now looking at you and your mom with love and a smile. I always will. Chucky. XXOO

  4. Lovely pictures of the great boy!

    Re-clipping claws, I always try to teach my youngsters when they're quite young. My biggest problem now is Momo because he has so much hair I can't see the claws!

    The Chans

  5. Awww... And I don't blame your photography skills; quite the contrary - you're very talented, my dear.

  6. I always feel the love here. You're a kitty whisperer.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

  7. da tabbies o trout towneNovember 20, 2023 at 6:35 PM

    lovez two ewe chuck…and ewe az well P’OM.
    pleez ta tell everee one we said hi ~~~~~

  8. Yes, there was so much love there, always!

  9. Picture of you two loving on one another makes me feel good.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....