01 November, 2023

Authors Day📚

📚 1 November is National Authors Day!📚

How best to celebrate?  Here are a few suggestions:

1. Write a fan letter to your favorite author

2. Walk the stacks at your local library, and discover a new book to enjoy.

3. Listen to the audiobook of something you've read before, and delight in the differences.

4. Become an author by writing your own book; November is National Novel Writing Month.  Learn more at NaNoWriMo.com.

5. Join a book club on Facebook or on other social media; your TBR list will grow, I guarantee it!



  1. We do have our favs and we hope they feel appreciated today.

  2. Great suggestions. I love to read. It's a wonderful thing to do.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. Scritches to the kitties. Hug. ♥

  3. I asure wish I had more time to read than just blogs, LOL!!! Though they are fun to read, and I would hate to stop! They are like my 'living books'!

  4. Those are some great ideas! "Writers be like" cracked me up!


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