05 November, 2023

But What Do We Really Gain?🕑

For some of us, we get back the hour lost when Daylight Saving Time began.

A list of countries who end Daylight Saving Time today:

 Canada, except Yukon, most of Saskatchewan, and parts of British Columbia (northeast), Nunavut (Southampton Island), Ontario (Atikokan) and Quebec (Le Golfe-du-Saint-Laurent)
 Greenland: Pituffik Space Base
 Mexico: Baja California, and municipalities near the U.S. border except in Sonora
 Saint Pierre and Miquelon
 Turks and Caicos Islands
 United States, except Arizona (without Navajo Nation), Hawaii and U.S. territories

For Da Boyz and Sweetie, we will gradually push their meal time back, as there is NO WAY we can just not feed them for an hour!

However, I may get an extra hour of reading in.


  1. It really is a throwback event that could be scrapped here in the UK. But old habits die hard, as they say, but I have never yet met Bruce Willis to ask him about it, MOL

  2. We put our clocks back last week - and yes, the breakfast delay was rather a sore point (mol).

  3. Our clocks went back last week. What is the point? No matter when it gets light or dark no-one can change the fact that there will always be 24 hours in a day!

  4. Yeah, the time change always makes things a little crazy here, too. We agree ... is it really worth it in a non-agrarian society?

  5. ... should have standard time year round, healthier, in sync with the sun ...

  6. This time change stinks. I wish they, Congress, would get that particular act together and give it a rest.

  7. No one in Canada wants to have Daylight Saving Time, but the entire body of legislators throughout the country can't summon the energy to do anything about it.

  8. It's a silly practice. Fortunate for me, I don't really have an internal clock. lol Be well!

  9. We sure do wish that come spring we might still keep the standard time...it just feels so much better. Yes, hope springs eternal.LOL!

  10. I love the fall back part, not the spring ahead.

  11. Those are so good and I love that record shop sign, too true! Time shouldn't be messed with, ever.

  12. They gotta stop messing with the clocks!

  13. A good many countries did it last week, too. It's madness, and I wish the whole world would just reset the clocks by 30 minutes next time and leave them there!


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....