Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Busy At Rest

It's Sweetnesday!

During the extreme cold snap, Sweetie has been hard at work... a oldster kitty, staying warm, napping her usual hours of sleep, and enjoying any bit of sunshine that comes her way!

The Sweetie Spa is only empty when Sweetie chooses to rest herself on a piece of cardboard that is atop a heat vent in the spare bedroom.

Yep, a heated beddy, or a warm chunk of cardboard.

Sweetie is definitely living the dream.
Sadly, Lola earned her angels wings yesterday.

Farewell, Calypso

Calypso and Amy and Brin is where to visit to send condolences.

 💔Hugs and purrs💔


  1. Sweetie sure loves her cozy place to nap!
    Thanks for informing us about the Angel kitties.
    Mariette + Kitties

  2. Tama concurs! The senior girls have earned their warmth and rest! So many kitties are leaving at the moment. We are sad.

    The Chans


  3. keep up de grate werk sweetie anda happee gotcha day two ewe CB and manny and heerz two a bazillion mor filled with happeez and healtheez

  4. Two very sad losses. We send love and hugs to those wonderful and loving families.

  5. Such sad news. I had not heard of either passing. Sweetie is a sweetheart. XO

  6. So sad when they go to the bridge. Healing hugs to their peeps.

    You're most adorable Sweetie. Our kitties are doing the same.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

  7. Katie is lying in the living room window totally bathed in a strong sunpuddle.

  8. We had not known Calypso but we feel bad when any loved companion animal dies. We know Lola and were very sorry that she had to go.

  9. I am glad you spent so much time practicing resting during the summer so it is easy for you now.

  10. My condolences to all who knew and loved Lola and Calypso.

    Your Sweetie certainly is living the dream.

  11. She's making up for a lot of time.

  12. She looks cosy. She might enjoy a visit here where its C25 right now :-)

    We are sorry about Lola she has been a long time friend.

    Marjorie and Toulouse

  13. Good job, Sweetie! Ava has been choosing the warm spots during the cold snap, too.

    We are so sad about Lola and Calypso having to go to the Bridge,a nd are sending love and purrs to their families. XO

  14. You are giving her a dreamy life, my dear. :D I'm so sorry to read about Lola and Calypso. For some dumb reason, I cannot sign in to leave a comment for Amy and Brin. Grrr... Stupid Google; I don't understand this random issue.

    Blessings to you and yours!


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....