22 January, 2024

Why, why, what

 22 January is Answer Your Cat's Questions Day

Chili Bruce:
"Why can't I go outside, to play with the squirrels and birds?"
"Darling, you are too precious to us, and we fear you'll run straight into the street.  You like it inside; it's warm, you've got beddies everywhere, your Brofur Manny to chase, bite, and snuggle with, and those are all good things."
"Why can't we play with the ribbon toy all day?"
"Dude, there are two reasons:
1) You bite the ribbon and drag it away, ending all play, and 2) although we know we are at your beck and call, as we are humans and you are a cat, I must maintain my full-time job and The Hubby must do his house stuff, so we can only devote just so much time to this game.  Sorry."
"What's with the constant photo action?  Can't you tell I'm rather unimpressed?"
"Too bad, so sad, Wee One...I've been snapping pics of you since 2009; did you think I'd stop when you moved into your retirement home?"
Probably not the answers that they wanted, but answers nonetheless.


  1. Dearest Eastside Cats,
    Those questions and answers are pretty well translated from body language and facial expressions!
    Sweetie did express herself very well, so did Manny and Chili Bruce with their longing faces...
    Mariette + Kitties

  2. Those were good answers and I'm sure they all get it!

  3. You need to try, and try again with your answers ...

  4. Frustration is the spice of life, says #1. Can you believe anyone would say such a thing?

    The Chans

  5. A very well done questions and answers.

    Have a purrfect day and week. My best to your mom. ♥

  6. By golly, your mom sure knows how to answer! Seriously. Good questions you three had, too.

  7. Yes, I am sure they were seeking more accommodating responses...

  8. Now that my purrson is retired you would think I would get endless belly rubs. Well, I do ! I just wish she would not do them when I want to snooze!
    Purrs Winnie


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....